Importance of Stretching practices in a balanced life

This image is very appropriate here: as I had just sustained a minor foot injury  (Sept 2017) that was nagging me, and that led me to reflexology treatments, and a full re-balancing of the body, and new insights/experiences into how our body is designed to function and heal itself continually!

Brendon Burchard (you’ll hear me reference him alot, his work has had a big impact on me), in his High Performance Habits book, talks about the importance of daily mindful movement for optimal thriving and functioning at our best selves. He talks about daily walks for boosting brain function/clarity (runs work for this too—you know those aha moments and piercing insights or clarity you have when doing walks or runs? We can and should build this into our everyday, for optimal mind-body function).

And he also talks about daily stretching, and how in the high performers he studies, all of them at the top levels of performance are working out or being active 5 times a week–much more than the average population—a nice correlation to performance that I can get behind–as a health coach and athlete. I know it helps my mood, my mothering, my self-image, focus and so much more when I’m regularly exercising. It’s a no-brainer to make time for it.

I was intrigued that he brought up stretching, specifically, but it very much fits with his peak performance mind/body connection emphasis, and the idea that when energy is “stuck” or we’re tight in our bodies, we can daily bring awareness to that, release it, and move forward more effectively, rather than staying with the same patterns of behavior, thinking or “stuckness”.

This REALLY rings true with my experience with the benefits of reflexology, essentially using the body’s maps on our feet (and face) to become aware of where things are stuck/need healing, and promoting that process through our own healing work.

(More on my life-changing reflexology experiences in another post, in any case, many of these things came together for me and I wanted to share them in case it supports your overall philosophy and decision to bring more low-impact and mindful movement into your day).

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness”

More on Stress Relieving practices and tips in an upcoming post on Adrenal Fatigue. It’s amazing how connected all of this is, for whole-being health which is what we’re after.

Stay tuned, and hop on my email list (at top) to be sure we can keep having these important conversations!