8 Must-haves for building a natural medicine cabinet

This is the time of year when I get LOTS of questions about immune support. And believe me, I get it.

We had a rough time of it when our first daughter was little, and in day cares, and we couldn’t keep her healthy. She’d get sick, would need a nebulizer, then we, the parents, would get it, and miss work/struggle to take care of her, and the whole cycle continued. It’s enough to make you dread winter if that’s your experience of it as a parent–and for many I know, it is.

BUT, fast forward to a few years of learning, experiencing and sharing natural nutrition, and now my kids are the ones that stay healthy when their classmates and teachers drop like flies with bugs going around school (knock on wood of course), and haven’t had a doctor’s (sick) visit in over 4 years, 2 (younger ones) have never been on antibiotics, and we don’t frequent the pharmacy. I don’t say this to brag in any way, but to tell you that I was once on the other side, and it is absolutely possible and so valuable to make changes for your family immune system with some preventative tools.

Here’s my top 8 immune builders, straight from our favorite natural nutrition brand partner. You’re going to LOVE stocking these for the winter, and you’ll be armed with confidence that you can go into any family gathering, long holiday weekend, travels and more with these tools at the ready. The goal here is to keep you out of pharmacies, and out of bed (or missing work/school) during these most beautiful weeks of holidays, travels, family time and more. Let’s look forward to the season–and not dread the bugs anymore! #naturalnutritionforthewin

  1. Nutriferon. This is the immune powerhouse of the line. The product was designed by the man who discovered interferon, our bodies’ ability to produce white blood cells and build up immunity within our system. He was invited by Shaklee to use this discovery to create a patented product, and that’s what we have. Works wonders for all winter long keeping immune system super-charged, also works for seasonal allergies and any time that stress, life, sugar, pregnancy or anything that can natural weaken our immune system. LOVE it.
  2. Defend and Resist. Elderberry is all the rage now for it’s immune properties. Apparently it’s pricey and often sold out during winter months on amazon and other sources. Well, this is our perfect blend of elderberry, zinc, echinachea and more. A super powerhouse that we start taking as soon as we get a sniffle…and it is amazing at knocking things out fast and furiously.
  3. Vitalized immunity. I literally start to sweat when I run out of this in the winter. I give it to the kids so often, it’s the natural (and healthy) form of “emergen-C” (which is popular but filled with crap)…and this works every time to nip my kids’ sicknesses in the bud and to keep me healthy. We love the way it fizzes, and the taste. If you can only get one thing from this list, start here.
  4. Optiflora DI. This is the brand new immune boosting probiotic (we all know that gut health plays a key role in immunity)…and it has 4 strains of the most studied bacteria, good for digestion and for building immunity. Years of research went into this product, I love it, I’ve been using it since August and I’m a huge fan. Highly recommended especially for those who are pregnant during the winter and want to stay healthy the natural way.
  5. Pre and Probiotics. These are game changers for most people. I have a friend who literally only added this in, and went from having her family sick much of the winter, to totally well the next year. It’s amazing how simple that is (and sounds)….my kids and husband and I all take these daily, year round.
  6. C-Boost—Chewable C. We all know how important Vitamin C is. Besides all the yummy oranges we’re eating, taking this daily certainly helps. It’s a chewable, and kids love it.
  7. G Boost–Garlic. The first time you open the container and smell these supplements, you may be a bit blown away—literally, but supplementing concentrated garlic is such an awesome way to stay healthy, it’s a natural antibiotic and helps with gut health in addition to overall immunity. It’s part of our emergency “ward off a bug” routine, and you’ll love having it around. But don’t try to crush it and hide it in your kids’ food…they’ll know!:)
  8. Finally, Z boost! Zinc is known for its immune boosting properties, and for $7 for a bottle, you really can’t turn this down.

So stock up, and enjoy a healthy and happy winter. Grab all 8 at once and you’ll get a free gift from me!

And be sure to go onto my business page on FB to let us know how healthy your family is staying this year with these tools (we love pics too!).

Related links if you’re eager to learn more about these topics:

*10 ways to build immunity

*Kids’ health

*Probiotics–why do they matter?