This. is. happening.

Well friends, here we are.

I would like you to know that this site and blog has been 5 years in the making.

It’s taken me a while to get to where I felt worthy. I’ve wanted to have a voice, and ever since I was young I’ve loved writing and said “when I grow up I’ll be a writer”…fast forward, non-profit finance career, family, etc….crossroads of career and an opportunity. One opportunity that allowed us to dream again, to think bigger, to envision a future of freedom, ability to purpose our passions, while creating a sustaining and secure future. That’s where this began.


As you can imagine, there were lots of reasons to not do this site. We all have our dreams, and the voices in our heads that tell us we aren’t worthy and we don’t have something valuable to share…or we’re not ______enough…or too busy, too dis-organized. You name it, the excuse was there. But mostly it boiled down to wondering if I really have something to add that is valuable. Well, that’s a fear, and sometimes our faith and our purpose has to be bigger than that.

I actually started another brand called “Thrive Mom project” it was awesome, we soft launched it and gathered some support in Brooklyn. But I didn’t have a clear enough vision of what to do with it, as it’s primary service. And I was busy starting up a school (hint: harder than it sounds:)), and had 2 small ones, and was dissipating my energies in many other wonderful, fun projects which were important on my journey, but kept me from being ready to launch the site. So I sat on it and kept it on my vision board for 3 years, and waited. And by waited I mean, I built a huge and successful health business as a brand partner, and cultivated amazing relationships, mentorships, clients and so much more. I LOVED having this high touch business and I’m immensely grateful for everyone who’s been a part of that.

But then…one day I realized as I was chatting with a partner on the phone, and talking about branding and the ways we want to give and serve, that this idea, of a site, was still on my heart, and I needed to model for her (and myself!) that we don’t just let those things languish. There’s a calling and a purpose (to get into the content of so much of my fulfillment coaching)…in those things that just stay with us, and we can’t get away from.

If you want to read an amazing and mind-blowing book about resistance and how it shapes us, pick up THE WAR OF ART (we’re reading it in my influencers book club, next month, woohoo)…anyway, more on that soon, but that awareness was what I needed. The swift kick in the pants, to wake up and say, it’s time to do something scary, but to do it humbly and with the best efforts you can muster (in this phase of life, with 3 little kids, busy life, running my biz, etc–it’s all good…the point is to just take those daily steps and it happens!) (Goal setting 101–easy except for when you add in the emotions and fears around something you set as a goal).


So, here we are! It’s such a blessing to me to be able to connect with you all in this manner. I hope you’ll drop a line and say where you’re reading from, and we can start becoming friends and inspiring each other to do the things that we want to do…but that scare us.

Guess what–you’re worthy, and you can do it…and you’ll be so thrilled and proud of yourself when you do it…no control over the outcome. Just take the first leap.


