Healthy Holiday Fudge…and setting the tone for December

Happy December! Can you believe it’s already here?

Probably my favorite month of the year…especially when we keep stress to a minimum and magic and holiday spirit to a maximum!

Celebrating advent–which is a season of preparation–means that we take time to savor the beautiful path leading up to the Christmas celebrations, and it allows us to keep our hearts focused on the right things–the real meaning of the season–the welcoming of the source of all LOVE and LIGHT into the world…and de-emphasizing some of the crazy commercialism, stress and overwhelm that none of us want to welcome into our homes this year.

For me, that means emphasizing simplicity and small, meaningful festive moments with the kids, and keeping our pace as calm and peaceful as can be—Creating space in the days for the good stuff, but not letting the possibilities of it all (Nutcracker, santa sightings, shopping, etc) get us carried away. How do you balance this time of year well? I’d love to know.

This is also the time of year when treats are everywhere…which is fun and festive, but sometimes it can feel like just too much sugar.

This is a fun, healthy twist on a favorite, and the simplicity, the fact that you can switch up the mix-ins, and how much the kids gobble them up, are reasons we keep them around all December…I love bringing small batches for coffee dates with friends…get creative, and tag me when you’re making and sharing them! So fun!

Easiest recipe ever–you’re going to laugh at how good they taste, when you learn how simple they are to make…

Healthy Holiday Fudge

  • 1 cup organic peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1 cup organic honey
  • 1 cup shaklee life shake (we usually do chocolate, but vanilla works great too!)
  • 1/2 cup white chocolate chips, dark chocolate, butterscotch, mini walnuts or other optional mix-ins–not essential but fun to experiment.
  • Sprinkles!

In a medium saucepan, melt peanut butter and honey over med/low heat. Stir in protein until well blended. Then turn off the heat, and add in optional chips/nuts.

Pour into a pie pan or square glass dish to cool. Put your festive sprinkles on it, and pop it into the fridge for 30 minutes…or as long as you can stand it!!:) Sample and enjoy either cold or at room temperature. Makes a great gift and makes an awesome snack for kids and mommas–tons of protein and healthy fats. They won’t even believe you when you tell them it’s healthy:)

I hope that your December is like this recipe—simple, sweet, enjoyed with good company, and full of surprises!