Essential oils–what’s all the buzz about? And which brands are the best?

Essential oils are a hot wellness item, and have been for almost a decade. When I became a health coach, they were just gaining popularity, and I’ve watched the craze skyrocket, to where folks will claim an EO solution to literally every ailment.

We do use some in our family, and appreciate the support they give, but I don’t believe that EOs should be emphasized strongly, over for example, nutritional supplements, proper nutrition and fitness plans, and an over all non-toxic and clean lifestyle. They are just one small piece of the puzzle, and should be approached as such. And. like supplements, it’s very true that not all brands are created equal. Have you been wondering just which ones are the best of class? Well keep reading…

I also have a strong opinion about using orally. I had a HORRIBLE experience with ingesting oil (let’s just say, oregano), and I’m not a big fan of emphasizing these uses, since they can be improperly done, not diluted, potency not understood etc. I’ve done sometimes grapefruit EO in water as a nice cleanse/weight loss aid, but I don’t believe in giving them to children, or doing anything regularly with them internally. There are safer and very effective ways to approach your health goals than starting to ingest oils.

I’ve personally used a handful of oils over the years. In the winter month, I usually have thieves oil diffusing, and occasionally apply it to my kids’ feet when they are fighting off a cold, along with lots of immunity support like vitalized immunity, garlic supps, nutriferon, probiotics and more.

I love the deep blue oil by DoTerra for massage & muscle relaxer, it’s a staple on my bedside table.

For pregnancy, birth and hormone support, I use a handful of other oils, such as clary sage and frankincense. I also love lavender for diffusing at bedtimes, or peppermint, orange and other oils to mix in with my favorite unscented non-toxic cleaners.

Regarding diffusers, I’ve used several, and I love this one the most. It’s Young living brand, it’s served us well for several years, I love the asthetic, and my kids love the setting where it rotates colors, glowing a rich blue, green, red, yellow etc while filling our house with a wonderful smell.

Basically, they can be a wonderful addition to a holistic lifestyle, as long as care is taken with the quality of the oils, where they are sourced from, and you’re careful to use carrier oils, dilute them properly, and avoid ingestion.

But, have you wondered how the EO brands stack up? I certainly have. And it can be hard to find all the info for in-depth research and comparison.

Luckily, Consumer Advocates just did this research for all of us, and agreed to share it with you all, since this is the question I get asked most often–which oils are best/safest to use, and how do all the most popular brands compare?

In a recent study of Essential Oils, conducted over 600+ hours of research and sent 11 different, well-known brands over to the Aromatic Plant Research Center in Utah to determine what was really inside each bottle.  The results were jarring – to say the least. 

The team of researchers considered the health benefits and risks, quality and purity, and sustainable sourcing practices – just to name a few. They even covered the essential oils that are recommended for pregnancy, children, and pets. 

Check out the findings of your favorite Essential Oil brand here!

What do you think? Anything in there that surprises you? What are your favorite oils and uses? I’d love to know.

