The Best Prenatal on the planet. Here’s why.

When I was pregnant with my first, I went and picked out a prenatal bottle from GNC…the moment of a rite of passage for so many mothers.
I was pretty health conscious at the time, ate my veggies, shopped at the local food market, etc…BUT…hadn’t a clue how to pick the best supplements for me and baby.

I think I picked the one with the prettiest label. It made me feel naseous, especially if I took it on an empty stomach or too early in the day. That is a common complaint I hear from friends and often has to do with the amount of iron and how well (or poorly) formulated it is. The iron in a pre-natal should be absorbable, and not soo harsh that it hurts our stomach or makes us even sicker than we need to be!

I don’t think I felt any more energized when taking the pre-natal. I managed to have a great first pregnancy in many ways, but besides walking I really didn’t have any fitness incorporated in, and I was diagnosed as borderline gestational diabetic so I followed the recommendations for the GD diet, and was more conscious of walking during the 2nd half of the pregnancy. Since I wasn’t old, or overweight in starting out the pregnancy, it was a tough diagnosis to receive, and most especially because they told me that I would almost be certain to have GD in all subsequent pregnancies, and much more likely to become diabetic sooner than later.

Well, fast forward to 2 Shaklee pregnancies later, I have had no signs of GD in either one; I’ve been conscious of being very active, and the supplements and shakes (low-glycemic, super high quality protein) have helped tremendously. I’m thrilled to share this with other moms, and so many of them have had amazing, very energized pregnancies, no issues, complications, and in a few cases, even resolving severe anemia during pregnancy etc due to the absorption quality of this vita-strip, something that has it’s own patent.

One of my other friends was a bit more saavy with picking out her pre-natal. She went to whole foods and got an Organic whole foods based pre-natals that were highly recommended, etc.

Well, turns out, those same whole food based prenatal showed up on a list of prenatals and kids vits that have higher than acceptable amounts of lead in them. Yes, Lead. Why? Do you ask? Good question.

The industry of supplements can be fairly unregulated, so it’s SO important to find a brand with transparency, science, peer-reviewed studies and more, so you know you’re getting exactly what it says on the label, plus more.

You can see that review of lead in prenatal brands, here…and learn more about the Shaklee difference that we’re so confident in here:

The scientists behind our pre-natal research and the Prenatal products, specifically Vitalizer, share their recommendations here:


They go into the details on why the Vitalizer has been updated with extra Folic Acid, Iodine, EPA, DHA and other important nutrients in keeping with the most updated research on healthy pregnancies.

But after all this, don’t just take my word for it. When we had an OB who’s been using Shaklee in his practice for 40 years come and speak to us, he said using Shaklee supplements was in his experience, the BEST prevention for pre-term labors, and he had all the stats to back it up.

Here are some fantastic testimonies from midwives, mothers and others who have witnessed the effect of Shaklee supplementation on pregnancies.

“After discovering I had gestational diabetes during my 3rd pregnancy, I turned to Shaklee for HELP.  Using Shaklee vitamins and Meal Shakes, I not only had a beautiful baby boy naturally (apgar score 10), but I also had minimal healthly weight gain.  Thanks to Shaklee, my fears of insulin dependency, baby complications and weight gain were turned into a positive experience.”

-Colleen Demusz, Philadelphia, PA 

“I was first introduced to Shaklee by my Mother-in-law, Veronica LaMena. She gave me a little bottle of cleaning wonder- Shaklee Basic H.  I loved the fact that it didn’t have a potent odor and I could clean anything with it!! As the years went by, I began using more and more Shaklee products.

When I found out that my husband and I were expecting our second child, I didn’t want to use the typical prenatal vitamins I had used with our first child.  I did not have a great experience with them.  As a Registered Nurse, I knew what I needed to have a healthy pregnancy.  I took my daily Shaklee Vita-Lea multi, GLA Plus, OmegaGuard and Calcium Complex just to name a few.  My skin was glowing and I felt incredible!  I trusted Shaklee to nourish me and my baby the way we deserved to be!  To this day, and every day, my family and I will continue to trust Shaklee to promote our health and well being!”

-Nicole LaMena, Southampton, PA

“I had been using Shaklee for 24 years before I was pregnant with my first child.  Before and while pregnant, I had a soy shake every morning for breakfast, Vita Lea (2), B Complex (2), OsteoMatrix (4), Vita C (2).

I was NEVER nauseous, never constipated, no leg cramps (midwife recommended I take the OsteoMatrix before bed to fend off any leg cramps), no heartburn, stretch-marks, etc.  Outside of some fluid retention (should have taken Alfalfa!) I really felt no different than when I wasn’t pregnant.  Had easy, quick labor and delivery and an 8 1/2 lb healthy baby just a few days from her due date.  (I would also highly recommend GLA at end of pregnancy.)  When I was pregnant with my son, 2 years later, I added Optiflora, OmegaGuard (3), and Alfalfa (10) to the above supplements.  I gained 10 lbs less – I think from not retaining any water – Alfalfa worked! Still no “pregnancy side-effects”, very fast delivery and an 8 lb full-term baby.  I loved being pregnant, actually!  🙂  I continued all of the above while nursing.  (My midwife said alfalfa was good for cow’s milk and it’s good for our milk, too!)

I took my bottles in for my midwife to check doses.  By the end of my pregnancy I think I was taking 6 OsteoMatrix, for example.  She actually tried to get me to fill a prescription for pre-natals, saying that I didn’t need to be taking  individual pills, but I knew my body was actually absorbing and utilizing what was in the Shaklee vitamins (and I was used to taking them).  Plus, they were all natural, unlike many prescription pre-natals.  I had compared them with my friends’ pre-natals and Shaklee was so much more complete than they were!  It’s funny how many times someone will ask me, “Does Shaklee have a prenatal?”  as if just because it’s a prescription multi-vitamin it must be better than others.  You can’t get any better than Shaklee!!

-Jennifer Doran

“Before taking Shaklee I was always tired, constipated and couldn’t eat anything without heartburn.  Then I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Syndrome.  “Dr. Mom” introduced me to Shaklee and I noticed I was staying awake longer and felt better. I’ve been faithful to Shaklee ever since, and even used the vitamins during my pregnancies.  I was home from the hospital early with each C-section and back to normal within 2 weeks.”             –

Kris Gilchrist (daughter-in-law), Washington Crossing, PA 

“When I got pregnant I was diagnosed with anemia and had morning sickness and had been given horrible iron pills by my doc on top of the prenatal chemical-filled “vitamins” they prescribed then.  My mom was just new to Shaklee but convinced me of its merits (thanks mom!) and I took Shaklee instead.  To this day I swear that my son’s healthy teeth (something my family struggles with) are because I used Shaklee supplements and especially the Shaklee calcium.  He never had a cavity until he reached his 30’s and then it was only one.  His teeth are straight, white and healthy, something I was not blessed with, nor my grandparents that’s for sure!  He continued taking Shaklee supplements throughout childhood.

I wouldn’t be pregnant without taking Shaklee supplements…and actually if you are thinking about becoming pregnant, make sure both parents are taking the supplements at least a month before actually beoming pregnant and beyond.  The health of both parents before pregancy is critical. You will be very pleased and grateful you did!  I know I am…”

-Nancy Tharp


“My name is Terry Gyde. I have 18 years experience in helping women through childbirth and have seen what poor nutrition can do to a Mom and baby. This has compelled me to help Moms find the best nutrition they can get for them and their baby. Doctor prescribed pre-natal vitamins are most times more harmful than they are good. Most vitamins do not break down in your system in time to release the nutrients you need to produce a healthy baby. Many of them contain harmful substances.

What proof have I seen? I first started noticing the difference in the placenta. Compared to those who took Dr. prescribed or health food store vitamins, the Shaklee placentas were bigger, thicker, stayed intact until time of pushing, released quicker, and had no calcification or signs of aging. The umbilical cords were also thicker and healthier looking. The babies have more vernex on them at 40 weeks gestation than those using other types of vitamins. What does this mean? Babies are born healthy! Moms feel better! There is less need for C-sections and other medical interventions.

You can carry on this great care for your baby by choosing Shaklee Infant vitamins. I have seen babies who take them have less severe illnesses. Babies sharing the same nursery, catching the same bug with much different outcomes! While the other babies are having high fevers, dehydration, and hospitalization, Shaklee babies are usually experiencing mild cold symptoms. Big difference! They are also more developmentally advanced.  Why give your baby anything else?

Infertility can also be due to poor nutrition. It takes time for your body to grow new healthy cells. Taking the Shaklee Vitalizer and Energizing Protein on a daily basis for 6 months prior to conception could make a big difference! Try it! What have you got to lose? Shaklee is a guaranteed product. If you don’t feel better in 30 days, you can get your money refunded.

Shaklee suggests taking at least: 2 Vita-Lea Multivitamin, 1 B-Complex, and 1 Calcium Complex daily during pregnancy.  The Shaklee Vitalizer Strip provides these nutrients and also the omega-3 fatty acids known to be crucial in fetal brain development.

In today’s society we eat less nutritious foods due to both lack of time for preparation and the conditions of the food we purchase. Preservatives, pesticides and dyes are also enemies to our bodies. Without the proper nutrients our bodies cannot get rid of the harmful substances we put in them. All of this leads to poor nutrition, without us even realizing it. Don’t take chances with your future. Start a Shaklee supplement program today!” Terry Gyde – midwife


Fourth of July Cherry, Blueberry, Almond Cake (#almostvegan)

This was originally published on whoopsyummy, on July 4, 2014.

Blueberry Cherry Almond Cake
Original recipe is vegan, mine is “#almostvegan” (see notes below)

Makes one 9″ round cake

It’s a rainy 4th of July afternoon here in NYC, so Emma and I tucked the almost-birthday girl down for a nap, and quickly started our “me and you time” as she calls it, with focused cake making (powered by iced-espresso and a green smoothee)–since we’re next assembly-lining some cupcakes for our monkey-themed birthday for Corinne in the park tomorrow.

Those will be on the blog…soon…:)



2 cups organic whole wheat flour
*sub with other flours if desired
3/4 cup sugar, organic (why organic here)
1 Tbsp baking powder
3 Tbsp rolled oats

1/2 tsp salt (pink himalayan for extra nutrients)
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Dash nutmeg


2 Tbsp flax seeds + 2/3 cup warm water

3 Tbsp butter (THIS IS THE ALMOST VEGAN part ;)) Real butter is great…so as long as you are not lactose intolerant–enjoy 🙂
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optionally almond instead, but it will alter the subtle flavor, I think vanilla goes better w the fruits and coconut flavors)
2 Tbsp flax seeds + 2/3 cup warm water
2/3 cup coconut milk or I used coconut/almond blend, my new favorite now available widely
1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened
3 Tbsp orange juice + pinch orange zest (fresh squeeze room temperature oranges – or warm OJ to about room temp) (PS I didn’t use zest b/c didnt have!)


Fold ins:

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup cherries, finely chopped

1/4 cup almonds/walnuts finely chopped


2/3 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup butter (or vegan butter), softened

3 cups powdered sugar (yikes, yes if you’re looking to go lighter on the sugar, see my date frosting recipe here)

pinch salt (pink himalayan)



1) Preheat oven to 350, pick out and grease your pan

2) soak flax seeds and water while you mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl

3) Mix in the other wet ingredients with the soaked flax seeds–they will provide a lovely thickening effect and you can obviously adjust quantities of things like coconut flakes, OJ etc based on preference (If you’re like me and never follow a recipe as is:))

4) Blend the dry and wet ingredients together gently, be sure not to over-stir, and then fold in the “fold ins”

5) Bake for 20-30 min–checking to see when the edges begin to brown and a knife goes in center and comes out clean

6) Whip frosting and don’t frost until cake is completely cool. The coconut oil is a great addition to a butter frosting–will definitely be using this (with sweetener adjustments–like dates, honey, syrup, (must experiment) most likely) in the future.

7). Frost cake, and through on a handful of blueberries, cherries, almonds, raw sugar, oats (pictured)


8) Pull almost 1 yr olds off the table from taste-testing the extra blueberries and cherries. Remove clothes…Then snap some more photos…oh wait, that’s just my crazy life.

9) Stop and admire:)

Gather some friends and family around, perhaps with iced tea or coffee, and enjoy this! I think it works for a brunch cake as well–since it’s hearty and nutritious while being delicious.

Give your feedback! Love hearing what people are loving or other recipes that you enjoy on your holidays!! Happy Fourth–here’s to our independence!!


And of course–I need to share the whoops behind the yummy…the helpers/mess-makers and the reason I’m typing this post right now (She’s strapped into a chair). Behind every food photo is a messy kitchen and a fun process–I love sharing that too.


Moroccan Lamb Stew

Originally published at whoopsyummy on January 21, 2013.

It’s time for a hearty wintertime dish–such as you might enjoy with family and friends on a cold Sunday evening in New York…with wine flowing apace with the chatter.

Lamb, being one of the most nutritious forms of meat out there, as well as easy for little tummies to digest, has had some attention on this blog in the past.

The stew was adapted from the this lovely blog Seasoned To Taste. The reason I found this particular recipe is thanks to my new habit of being particularly picky about what will be found in a new recipe I set out to make. My google search thus went something like this “Moroccan lamb stew, apple, carrot”

I have no pics of my own. What a shocker. The reason is somewhat lame–whenever this stew was around I was too busy enjoying it with friends and family to take photos…

Not a good excuse. But I still needed to share the recipe.


Photo courtesy of

Moroccan Lamb Stew

2 lb. boneless lamb, cut in 1-inch cubes (thanks Trader Joes!)

2 small sweet onions, chopped

2 c. carrots, cut in 1-inch cubes

1 large Granny Smith apple, cut into 1/2 inch cubes

1/2 c. dried currants or raisins

1 tsp groun cumin

1 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp ginger (or 1/2 tsp allspice replacing this and the cinnamon)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp kosher salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes, with juices

2 c. chicken broth or stock

Fresh mint or cilantro, chopped, for garnish

Cooked couscous–from box? I like the kind with pine nuts

Add all ingredients to large Crock Pot -except fresh herbs – in order listed. Turn on low and cook for 8 hours (or on high for 4). Ours was a real challenge in timing, but high for 4 hrs seemed to do the trick–though I was hesitant it would not leave the meat as gently tender as I wanted it to be…dinner party constraints and mid afternoon errands constrained me, and it worked.

Serve with wine (need I say?)

Almond butter coconut bark: to die for

This was originally published on whoopsyummy on July 3, 2013.


This recipe has been a while in coming to you, and therefore, take note. It’s a keeper.

I first discovered it on the Unrefined kitchen with some interesting variations. I knew it was something I needed to try, especially for periods of time when I’m eating “sugar free” (cleanses, or just cutting back) and my pregnancy snacking needs demand for quick afternoon delicacies. This is a breeze to make, stores well and is perfect to bring along for play-dates, dinners and even to appease hungry coworkers who expect that all afternoon snacks must contain sugar. Since it’s gluten, dairy and sugar free, and chock full of nuts and coconut goodness, you’ll be happy to tell people how awesome it is for them as they gobble it up:)

I made it last week when I was having some bouts of contractions, and thinking that I should have some post labor snacks around and ready for my enjoyment:) (Here I am still waiting, but that’s another story). I think you will love these with a cup of espresso, or a black tea…as Emma would say “pick your choice”…


Almond Butter Coconut Bark

1 1/3 cup coconut butter (recipe for homemade coconut butter below–definitely recommend this)
2/3 cup pecans or walnuts
1/2 cup sliced almonds
2 Tbsp. coconut oil + 2 tsp. for toasting nuts
1/4 cup up to 1/2 cup almond butter (depending on how much you want this flavor to jump out)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup raisins (golden or regular–your choice)
3/4 cup dried, unsweetened coconut for topping


Put pecans, sliced almonds and 2 tsp. coconut oil in a skillet and cook over medium-low heat, stirring frequently to avoid burning. Cook until slightly brown/toasty.

Mix 2 Tbsp. coconut oil with the coconut butter. If not using fresh-made coconut butter that is still runny, soften coconut butter in a double boiler (with the coconut oil).

Add toasted nuts, almond butter, vanilla, cinnamon and raisins to the coconut butter mixture.

Spread mixture evenly in a 9×13 pan lined with parchment paper. You may have to move around the raisins/nuts with your spatula so that they are evenly distributed.

Sprinkle 3/4 cup dried shredded coconut on top of the bark. Press down with a spatula. Place pan in fridge to cool until hardened—about an hr. I actually have put it into freezer upon occasion to get it quickly firm enough for cutting…

Break Almond Butter Coconut Bark into pieces, or cut into diamond shapes, and enjoy!!

I recommend storing it in the fridge to help it keep it’s firm, lovely texture.

Coconut Butter from Jen at Unrefined Kitchen

Yield: approximately 1 1/2 cups coconut butter

4 1/2 cups unsweetened, shredded coconut
2 tsp. coconut oil

Put as much of these as you can fit into your food processor (mine is small so it required two batches). Grind. Scrape sides, repeat; it should become runny…feel free to adjust the oil as needed.

Let me know what you think!


Kale is for Kool kids

This was originally published on whoopsyummy, on March 12, 2013.

Yes.The Kale Craze. I admit I jumped on the bandwagon a bit after it had reached some fever-pitched hyping–(but appropriately so, say many trusted sources). But is it just another health fad? Likely not; as the nutritional benefits are known and numerous and it’s a veggie that can easily be grown in your garden, rather than an exotic acai or other food that is harder to get our hands on or locally source. Share your thoughts about super-food hype below.

Our first summer of CSA we received dino kale a few times and scratched our heads and didn’t quite know what to make with it or of it until we did roasted kale (with oil and a tiny bit of raw sugar to combat the naturally bitter flavors). Then, we were hooked. Since then, I haven’t varied much in preparations—the roastedness just always suited me and I’d toss it into whatever recipe I was augmenting after I’d done that…but this salad swept me off my feet. Love at first bite, when my roomie made it for her recent detox.

The recipe was wonderfully described over at Hello to Healthy, and I made a few changes so listen carefully.

I prepped this salad one evening when I was in major cooking mode–had hrs of playing with Emma interspersed with grabbing roasted purple potatoes out of the oven, and chopping for a future stir fry…so I do recommend allowing a bit of time, but once you have a big bowl of this prepped, it can last deliciously (getting better with age as the oils mellow the kale) for days!



Small tub of cherry or grape tomatoes

1 bunch kale (lacinato or curly)

1/2 cup red or white quinoa

few handfuls of chickpeas

Red onion chopped and roasted with the tomatoes

1/4 – 1/2 cup grated pecorino cheese  (I was fine without having this…it’s up to you)
1/2 cup roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds


1-3 cloves garlic

juice and zest of 1 lemon

lemon olive oil if you have, or regular olive oil works too

honey balsamic is a wonderful, though not essential addition–mellower than traditional balsamics but gives it the edge you need…

Now go for it:

Preheat oven to 400F. Cut tomatoes in half, along with diced red onions, place in baking tray lined with aluminum foil, pour over a little olive oil, salt and pepper and pop in the oven for 20-30 minutes until soft. On a separate tray, roast sunflower or pumpkin seeds for about 8-10 minutes until brown.

Rinse the quinoa well to remove the bitter taste, and prepare as the package instructs you:)

Rinse kale and then tear up the leaves into small pieces. Remove stems…Emma really wanted them in the salad so they did end up in it again at the end…thanks for the extra fiber, lovey.

For the salad dressing: crush 1-2 cloves of garlic with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add the lemon juice and whisk all together adding the oils and vinegars to taste.

Then have some fun massaging your kale with the dressing! In a large boil, combine the kale with the salad dressing.  Massage/rub the leaves with the dressing vigorously. You’ll notice the leaves start to soften and wilt. Then add the cherry tomatoes, onions, chickpeas and quinoa and mix it all up. Top off the salad with the roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

*Note, quinoa can be omitted if you’re looking for more of a side salad with a meal, but with the quinoa it stands alone as a healthy iron and vitamin-filled lunch.

Crazy Delicious Raw Cacao Protein balls…and catching up!

Originally published via whoopsyummy, 3/14/14

Dear loyal fan base–

It has been a long time since I posted. I owe you an explanation. I took a break from the blog while continuing on my own healthy eating/living after baby #2 this summer, and summer adventures with food. There are many backlogged posts to be shared, for sure, but what was unclear to me for a while was the future direction of this endeavor, and how it fits in to my other very big aspirations and projects. Sometimes when we have big goals and plans, it’s easier to get stuck in a paralyzing mode, not because we don’t want to achieve things, but because we don’t know where to start (and perhaps fear of failure plays in too). I was hesitating with just proceeding on the path without being very clear how it all fits together to add value in the ways I feel called to.

Plus, perhaps a little bit of it could be–2 kids is more than 1, and we may or may not do take-out more often 🙂 Some evenings I actually do sacrifice my desire to cook and have that focused kitchen project, and instead go and lay on the living room floor and let them climb on me before feeding them something very simple–because that’s the kind of attention they need at that “witching hour”:) Other moms out there–can you relate?

Other nights, I’ll just start cooking when the little one goes down at 8, and it’s ready to eat when husband is walking in door at 9pm or later;) (Along with our roommate).

Anyway, I am coming back to this blog with renewed commitment. You’ll see some updates here and there, and my main emphasis will be to be fully connected to the fun, messy home cooking projects we do around here–the authenticity will remain and maybe even kick up a notch. The healthy eating themes will remain (I love baking but am almost always trying GF and even grain free desserts now;)) and as I continue my studies with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (more to come on that in another post for sure), you’ll see elements of that woven in while still letting this be a whimsical personal food blog. And of course, my big mom projects are in the pipeline, and I’m OK with enjoying and trusting the process, and supporting the work of local fitness centers (namely, Seven Bell Fitness opening this weekend in Prospect Heights Brooklyn). All very exciting stuff, and I have this feeling there is much more to come. For now, enjoy these deliciously decadently healthy snacks.

Raw Cacao “Power Balls”


The ingredients in this recipe make it a protein-filled snack that is easy to make, easy to transport, and a perfect pre-workout snack!

These snacks are sugar free, gluten free, dairy free.

And ridiculously tasty.

Why Raw Cacao?

Cacao (Pronounced Ka-COW) is the raw version of the cocoa bean. It is minimally processed—so it retains more of the potent mineral content, has less sugar than its standard cocoa counterparts, and contains both chromium (known for regulating blood sugar) and magnesium (an essential element of healthy muscle and nerve function). It has very high levels of anti-oxidants (think, higher than red wine or green tea), and fatty acids to assist with raising HDL (good Cholesterol levels) in the body, while reducing LDL (or Bad cholesterol) levels.


10 Medjol dates, pitted

1 tbsp raw cacoa powder

½ cup raw almonds (pecans or walnuts may also be used)

½ tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp cinnamon

½ to 1 tsp coconut oil

¼ cup coconut flakes (unsweetened, preferably)

1 tbsp honey  (optional—to taste)

Optional variations (get creative!):

¼ cup dark chocolate pieces instead of coconut flakes

Replace cinnamon with cloves and add 1 tbsp orange zest for a richly decadent orange/cocao flavor



1)      Blend all ingredients in a food processor until small pebbles form.

2)      Roll into balls and place on a waxed cookie sheet, then refrigerate.

3)      Once hardened slightly (30 min), you can store in containers.

Yep, it’s that easy.

They travel well but are best enjoyed when slightly cooler than room temperature.

*Makes approx. 15 power balls—I always double the recipe because they are delicious*

Read more about cacao here:

What are your favorite home-made pre-workout snacks?

Starting the day right: your miracle morning routines

Starting the day right: Energizing and filling your cup so you can pour-out to others all day long.

How often in life, especially when committing to making healthy changes, have you found yourself wishing you had more time in your day to carve out for exercise, or eating healthy, or even quiet time? Wondering how other challengers fit it in? Do you find yourself reaching the end of the day tired, frazzled, trying to grab some reading or wind down time, but feeling that the to-do list got away from you…again?

I can relate. I’ve been there. As a busy mom of 3 small ones, I knew I had to shift something a few months back, so I looked at changing up my morning routine. I’m a proud and self-proclaimed night owl–it’s when my brain is awake and doing it’s best work…but I also knew that I needed to start the day stronger in order to serve myself and my people–family, business, everything–better!

Find something that deeply motivates you, and consider getting up just a bit earlier in these coming weeks. You never know…it could turn into a lifelong habit! Carving out time for ourselves is one of the best aspects of this of any health program, or challenge that we do together. Self-care is never selfish–instead it pays dividends all day long as we pour the best of our centered selves into children, friends, loved ones, larger communities. 

I started this book in April on our VIP vacation with Shaklee in Playa del Carmen…so yes, that’s a pina colada next to it, along with some other essentials;)

The book Miracle Morning is a powerful overview of the lifestyle shift that’s truly possible with some small and mindful changes in routine. I’ll let you dig in and enjoy it, but for now, I’ll share an overview of what the author, Hal Elrod, has determined are the most important parts of a successful morning–from studying many very successful people.

Here they are! Take what jumps out to you from this list…or start with all of them!


S (Silence—can be prayer, meditation, whatever you need it to be)

A (Affirmations. I have mine written down in the front of my journal, so I grab it and read through them to get my mind going in a positive light, related to who I am and what I will create with the day).
V Visualizations (Imagine yourself going through your day, accomplishing your main goals and feeling great…balancing your Renew Me goals with the other priorities in your life!)

E (Exercise! Anything from this 5 min workout/stretch to our 15 min Mom-Shape, or an hour long workout class. Do what makes you feel energized and ready for the day—keep it simple! The consistency is what will transform you).

R Reading. So powerful to start the day off with some good new brain fuel; whether it’s 3 minutes or 20 minutes, so important for self-renewal and forming new mindset patterns. We’re all just a few thoughts away from a totally different day and – day by day – a redesigned life!

S Scribe (funny way of saying journaling….how many of us want to journal but don’t because we “don’t have time” and put it off to the end of the day?) Start the day with your own reflections, dreams, hopes and voice.

My biggest tip: besides finding something that deeply motivates you to create a morning ritual, find a super comfy spot and prep it the night before–books, yoga mat, journal, etc. It will be much easier to be laser focused when you wake up and you’ll be looking forward to getting cozy in your nook.

I call this my power spot and I aim to make it there several times throughout the day for a re-charge moment with a good book, a good phone convo with a friend, etc. It’s a spot you can set aside for self-care and goal-setting, away from where you do most of your work, mess and daily living fun. Enjoy the process of making this space YOURS.


Play around with all of these 8 practices (the Life SAVERS). Hal recommends setting aside an hour for these practices initially, but you have to do what works for you based on your kids’ schedules, work hours, outside commitments, etc. You can literally do a 10 minute version (I have!) and it’s still valuable. Your goal is to build a new habit that feeds your soul. This one could truly change your life. Try it out and then tell us about it in the Facebook group!

Other morning tips and tricks from a Health Coach:

*1 mug warm water with lemon upon rising (helps activate the liver and digestion, gently cleanse, and energize)

*Apple Cider vinegar (2 tbsp diluted in 8 oz water with 1-2 tsp maple syrup) is great for digestion, alkalinizing the body, and stabilizing blood sugar

*Life Shake–especially packed with greens and fruits!

*Vitalizer Strip—your 80 most essential nutrients, crammed in right to start the day with you, and timed-release B vitamins keep you energized all day long

*Warm tea (green is great for antioxidants and metabolism)


Did you know we have 168 hours to use in the week? Would you like to use your morning hours to not only feel amazing, but also move your life forward towards your goals?


Enjoy your new morning routines, as part of your upgraded lifestyle!

Philosophies of Eating: Why 1 diet type doesn’t fit all

This article was originally written for the September 2017 Renew Me challenge…270 participants changing habits and introducing more mindful nutrition, tools, exercise and self-care into their lives.

Get on my mailing list to be updated when we run our next group challenge later this year!

So, as we head into the final stretch of the challenge, there’s something important to consider here:
We’ve been hearing the stories and seeing the transformations all around us…perhaps we ourselves are 5 lbs lighter, or noticeably stronger from our daily workouts, or maybe we or someone we know has kicked medications to the curb, or cancer survivors sharing their incredible results from nutritional support..

But not once have we brought up the “right way” to eat…

Paleo, Gluten Free, Ketogenic, all these are very on fad right now, and some with great reason and great results for folks. But here’s the thing. Every single one of us is different, and how we need to eat for our best life and our ultimate wellness, is as unique as we are.

I will even add… there are seasons in life that allow for us to be larger “vegan” or “vegetarian” (That was me for a time)…but in other seasons of life, ex: pregnancy and post-partum–those are generally not recommended based on babies needs.

And do you ever wonder why you crave what you crave? Could it be that those are good things to listen to, whether it’s chips, bread, carrots or wine?

And do you notice…some members of your family might do better with a high meat diet, while perhaps you yourself crave and need more carbs to feel your best?

So, here’s the scoop. With bio-individuality and the need to empower ourselves and others to really eat in the way that best suits our lifestyle, fitness needs, food intolerances and more, we’re going to have to do a bit more trial and error, and a bit less preaching about paleo…for example.

This is a fascinating starting point related to this topic; it’s called the blood type diet. It essentially claims that our blood type and genetics has a huge (main) role to play in what foods we need for our particular body. This is hugely eye-opening for many people; but again, it’s just a starting point–you can educate yourself and experiment, but you have to do the work to make sure you find what makes YOU tick at your optimal levels, all day long. Then we combine this with cultural background, the foods our ancestors ate, and we’re getting even closer to the things that our bodies will natural desire and do best with. Fascinating, right?

As a health coach who has walked hundreds of folks through lasting health journeys…my suggestion is that this is about you taking the tools into your hands, the tools for learning about your own body, what makes you feel great, what makes you feel lousy, what energy inducing foods are good for lunch, and what indulgences (and their healthier variations) are you most likely to want to keep in your life…and charting your own path of clean and joyful eating and living.

The 7 day cleanse we offered at the beginning of the renew challenge is the perfect way to actually fully reset not only your metabolism but also your hunger and cravings. And that, in turn, allows us to head into the next phase able to trust ourselves, and be able to reach for greens, lean meats, good grains and more, rather than the hamster wheel of sugar and caffeine followed by crashes. If you haven’t tried the cleanse yet, but you’re reading this and are intrigued, chat with your Shaklee friend and give it a go!:)

It’s a similar to an elimination diet, which are extremely great to do 2x per year…and to discover and root out food intolerances. For me….that happens to be gluten and dairy…and sugar in large amounts…

So…now that you’re truly taking things to a new level for the final week, consider:

What is it that I’ve learned about myself and about how I want to eat?

Have I gained additional trust/self-reliance on eating for my optimal health?

How can I continue to improve and play around with these tools during the last few days of the challenge? Do I experience my cravings and then lead them into a healthier mode, such as those swapping out decaf for regular, or green tea for an afternoon pick-me-up, rather than refined sugar. Or craving salt (chips) could mean you reach for salted almond butter with apples for the crunch.

Sure, it might perhaps  be easier if someone could just tell us “Eat Paleo, it works for me, it will work for you”…and if that were true. But it’s not.

So I flip it on its head and encourage you to Enjoy the process of figuring out what works best for you

You just never know how much your life might change as a result of these small adjustments of philosophy…and how much they will allow you to reach your goals of mindful and clear-headed eating for life and total wellness.

Cheers to an empowered last few days of the month–focusing in on your own journey to clean energized eating, and the overall balance of work, life and self-care, which you all appear to be rockin!

Another great resource/reference on eating for our bio-individuality and the impact it has for each of us:

Here’s to finding your own path to optimal clean eating that makes you feel amazing! This group of coaches is right there to cheer you on and make sure you always have the resources and support you need.

This. is. happening.

Well friends, here we are.

I would like you to know that this site and blog has been 5 years in the making.

It’s taken me a while to get to where I felt worthy. I’ve wanted to have a voice, and ever since I was young I’ve loved writing and said “when I grow up I’ll be a writer”…fast forward, non-profit finance career, family, etc….crossroads of career and an opportunity. One opportunity that allowed us to dream again, to think bigger, to envision a future of freedom, ability to purpose our passions, while creating a sustaining and secure future. That’s where this began.


As you can imagine, there were lots of reasons to not do this site. We all have our dreams, and the voices in our heads that tell us we aren’t worthy and we don’t have something valuable to share…or we’re not ______enough…or too busy, too dis-organized. You name it, the excuse was there. But mostly it boiled down to wondering if I really have something to add that is valuable. Well, that’s a fear, and sometimes our faith and our purpose has to be bigger than that.

I actually started another brand called “Thrive Mom project” it was awesome, we soft launched it and gathered some support in Brooklyn. But I didn’t have a clear enough vision of what to do with it, as it’s primary service. And I was busy starting up a school (hint: harder than it sounds:)), and had 2 small ones, and was dissipating my energies in many other wonderful, fun projects which were important on my journey, but kept me from being ready to launch the site. So I sat on it and kept it on my vision board for 3 years, and waited. And by waited I mean, I built a huge and successful health business as a brand partner, and cultivated amazing relationships, mentorships, clients and so much more. I LOVED having this high touch business and I’m immensely grateful for everyone who’s been a part of that.

But then…one day I realized as I was chatting with a partner on the phone, and talking about branding and the ways we want to give and serve, that this idea, of a site, was still on my heart, and I needed to model for her (and myself!) that we don’t just let those things languish. There’s a calling and a purpose (to get into the content of so much of my fulfillment coaching)…in those things that just stay with us, and we can’t get away from.

If you want to read an amazing and mind-blowing book about resistance and how it shapes us, pick up THE WAR OF ART (we’re reading it in my influencers book club, next month, woohoo)…anyway, more on that soon, but that awareness was what I needed. The swift kick in the pants, to wake up and say, it’s time to do something scary, but to do it humbly and with the best efforts you can muster (in this phase of life, with 3 little kids, busy life, running my biz, etc–it’s all good…the point is to just take those daily steps and it happens!) (Goal setting 101–easy except for when you add in the emotions and fears around something you set as a goal).


So, here we are! It’s such a blessing to me to be able to connect with you all in this manner. I hope you’ll drop a line and say where you’re reading from, and we can start becoming friends and inspiring each other to do the things that we want to do…but that scare us.

Guess what–you’re worthy, and you can do it…and you’ll be so thrilled and proud of yourself when you do it…no control over the outcome. Just take the first leap.


