Hi! I’m Maddy…I’m a Health coach, a fulfillment & business coach and mom of 5 fun kids who keep me busy and laughing.
I used to be a stressed out, exhausted, finance professional, reaching a point of burnout and exhaustion, working long hours and losing my joy and sense of life direction. That was in 2012.
I had a small health crisis and then unexpectedly lost my job while I was searching for something that would bring me the balance I so deeply desired to be a present mother. Doesn’t sound like there’s a happy ending to this? Keep reading.
This change happened when my oldest was 18 months—she was sick all the time in daycare, I was stressed and burnt-out, my husband was doing more than his share and we needed to change something. It started with regaining health and truly re-energizing our life. I also knew I needed to re-design my career and life to be the kind of mother I wanted to be, and that God was calling me to be.
So, life threw some curveballs at us, as I’m sure you can relate to, but through losing my job and almost losing my health and sanity, I began a journey to this–a place of absolute blessing and fulfillment beyond what I had ever imagined for myself in those days.
I’ve gone on to have 4 other (extremely healthy and energetic) babes, and we now live in our dream lifestyle–the country in CT just close enough that we can access NYC, but truly away from it all, close to horse farms, chickens, enjoying our own little home and access to a beautiful small town, and living a life that is very aligned with our values of faith, simplicity, joy, and embracing healthy choices, focused on faith, family, forming these beautiful young hearts, in service, and using the gifts we’ve been given how ever we see God calling us to. I don’t take a single second of it for granted, as I know that 9 years ago it was all just a complete dream.
You can find more of my health story woven in through my blog, and specifically here…it’s truly how everything began to change, and I’ll be forever grateful. This site is part of my commitment to pay it forward.
I love to coach people in transformations, both in their health journey and in finding their true purpose and making a difference, all while falling in love with the life they design for themselves. My own journey of setback and challenges has led me to love helping others embrace their own journey towards becoming their best selves, who they were created to be, and unleashing our deepest happiness together. Our service and commitment to others is what will change lives, and I’m so grateful I get to do it with you, and with other amazing people like you! Thanks for stopping by….This site has been several years in the making as my health & leadership business began to explode and I needed a place to serve as both a way to connect and add value to all those who bless me so richly by sharing our journeys in health and life, as well as to hold the resources for my amazing teammates & leaders who’ve jumped in to make a difference alongside me.
As a certified Holistic health coach, myself and my team of fitness and wellness professionals have helped over 500 families embrace healthier living and a non-toxic lifestyle. And this isn’t just a number–these are our friends, family members, college besties, people we work with and more.
As a business mentor and leader, working with a team for 8 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping over 40 people start their own businesses, find success, and embrace a new approach to work, life and time freedom, while making an impact. This has led to my passion as a fulfillment coach, reminding people to connect the dots between their deepest priorities and passions, and their daily lives. When we feel better, we do better, and we increase our ability to serve and make a tremendous impact.
I’m deeply grateful to the people in my life who helped me reach for this dream of owning a business I love, and helped me never give up on it! Everything beautiful & worthwhile in life is always the result of a true team effort. I thank my husband & kids first and foremost, for inspiring me daily, for encouraging me to keep dreaming bigger & taking actions towards that, and to all of you for forming this community that has come to be a bigger source of joy & inspiration than I could have ever imagined.
I am continuing to tweak and add offerings based on what people are requesting from me so please share your thoughts with me, what you want to see more of, what isn’t so great, or needs more attention–constructive is helpful…!:) I have some fun new programs for fall in the works, and I’m always updating my offerings related to an inspired life, the best way to stay in the know is by joining my email community.
Thank you for being here. 👏💕
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