Postpartum Fitness: Favorites!

I get asked by many moms, what are some of the best ways to ease back into fitness routines after baby.

The answer starts 9 months prior. That is, try your hardest, pregnancy allowing, to stay active in pregnancy, and of course, with your doctor’s approval, do workout as best you can, making modifications and reducing intensity, but still pushing yourself and being willing to build muscle. Believe me, your postpartum self will thank you!

BUT, if you weren’t active in pregnancy for whatever reason, don’t despair, you’re actually in a very beautiful phase, of strength–the physical power of giving birth is compared to running a marathon, so your body is capable of so much. Plus, your joints and body adjusted to carrying all that extra weight, and your muscles compensated–so without baby weight and as you continue to lose weight gently, you’re in a great position to actually hit and surpass some fitness goals, but only after you have a strong baseline of core recovery and functional movement. The challenge with postpartum can be that we’re in the same positions alot, so focus on moving, being on the floor, stretching daily, even if it’s with baby nearby or while they are napping–you will be so glad you built this habit.

Check out my postpartum stretching series here! Come stretch with me and my babe on our porch, and build the habit with some quick videos.

And check out this amazing core recovery program, from Every Mother, approved for before the first 6 weeks are over–it’s completely about healing, activating and strengthening the postpartum core. Such a blessing that totally changed my experience of postpartum with my 4th.

Even if it’s just lots of walking; staying active will reduce so many aches and pains, joint issues, and more. You may need to combine it with physical therapy and stretching/yoga, and even chiropractic, but do believe that your body is meant to move, mindfully and joyfully and often and well–during pregnancy. At the end, as the ligaments loosen, you will certainly have to adjust what you’re doing…but it’s all good…

Here’s a great very easy, very gentle post-natal workout from the rock star ladies at Barre 3. I love their functional fitness approach that is low impact (ie, your bladder/pelvis will not feel undo pressure), and to tone, build strength from the inside out.

Check it out!

And if you’re keen to see about getting a monthly membership (I HIGHLY recommend for during the first 6 months when the best moments for workouts might be while baby is napping, at home!) you can use my code here for $10 off!

I’m going to post more and more links, as I feel they are good to share. They have to fit well with my philosophy of gentle, functional movement, and I’ll be sharing more about my 4 stories/adventures in post partum fitness (and how radically different it’s been! So enjoy as you write your own story. Just remember your body is incredible for what it went through giving birth to your child, and it’s amazing for how strong and athletic it can be in the postpartum phase!)