10 Tips for building immunity this winter

This is the time of year when all the bugs start going around. My hope for us all—is that we can all build natural medicine cabinets, build up our immunity (in ourselves and our kids) and stay away from pharmacies for the entire winter!

It’s not something I even knew was possible until a few years ago, but as I’ve studied, experienced and shared the power of natural nutrition, I truly believe in our bodies’ ability to build up strength to fight off anything that comes our way–so you can have a social life in the winter/associate with others/be in places that have germs–i.e., everywhere–and not be worried!

This is from the mom who used to have regular sick visits, a daughter on a nebulizer for much of the winter, and now we’re doctor (sick) visit free for 4 years! More of our story here. We’re not perfect with all of these, but we do our best, and it makes a world of difference.


See also–8 must haves for building a natural medicine cabinet. 

  1. Reduce sugar. This is the kicker, and tough for any parent to read right after Halloween. But it’s based on science and it’s true! A lot of sugar in our diets can suppress our immune systems which is why you may notice little ones get runny noses/colds more easily after high sugar weeks/holidays, etc. No need to go crazy with forbidding it, just be mindful as you parent and feed yourself and your family. You’ll start to notice that sugar is snuck into everything, from the sauces and snacks you buy, your delicious PS lattes, and all the other little things we may not pay much attention to. Taking small steps in this area may lead you to feel better and want to reduce sugar intake even more.
  2. Build up the gut. Since we’ve now learned that 80% of the immune system resides in the gut, it’s very important to care for and build a healthy gut this time of year. I recommend a great probiotic, eating fermented foods when possible, kombucha (be aware of home brewed, can sometimes have the opposite effect), and of course, a balanced diet reducing sugars, increasing fibers, and working with seasonal foods will help. I’m thrilled about this new DI (Digestion and immune support) probiotic that was just launched in August after much research (4 strains total, the most studied ones)–I use it myself and love it.
  3. Get outside. The whole “bundle up you might catch cold” is a bit misleading–fresh air and brisk walks, and general time outside this time of year is critical for our health, mental and physical, and overall well being. Kids and adults need this, and they need physical activity in nature, too…hence our weekly hike tradition has been picking up, and is oh-so-treasured time in my family. Bundle up with your cute fall layers, and enjoy getting out for at least 30 min per day.
  4. Drink. This is another obvious one but can often be forgotten because we’re not in the midst of summer heat. Winter dehydration is just as common and harder to catch. If you notice you’re needing an extra boost, grab orange slices, fresh lemons, vitamin C tablets for your water, or a natural hydration (low sugar) powder to help keep you optimally hydrated. Your dry skin will thank you too.
  5. Keep Oranges and Vitamin C handy. Let’s change it from “an apple a day” to “an orange a day” (hey, nothing against apples, but we all know the immune power of Vitamin C). I make sure we’re all eating clementines as often as we can (my daughters can power through 2-3 in a sitting or at the park)…just that small habit can really help over the course of the winter.
  6. Try ACV—Yep, the wonders of apple cider vinegar. This is about boosting your gut health, reducing inflammation and balancing blood sugars (my diabetic grandmother living into her 90s with grace swears by her daily ACV habit). Keep it handy and mix it with maple syrup and water (and ice) and a dash of cinnamon to make it more taste friendly for the kiddos.
  7. Diffuse Thieves oil. This might be my favorite essential oil, and I’ve seen it play a big role in keeping my kids from developing colds (or when colds are still developing, this oil nips it in the bud, along with the vitalized immunity). We diffuse it a lot during the winter (bonus, it smells amazing) and I’ll rub it on their feet with a carrier oil (coconut is my preference) in the evenings/moments when I want to give them an extra immune boost.
  8. Be sure to socialize. There’s actually a danger in NOT exposing ourselves to some germs, as we continue to build up immunity, so be wise about it, but make sure you’re actually giving yourself those exposures, in small amounts, and you’ll see what a difference it makes. Kids/babies in too sterile environments can suffer greatly, their immune systems don’t develop as well.
  9. Cook with natural immune boosting herbs. Things like garlic, onion, turmeric, cinnamon and more all have powerful effects…being wise to how they can help our bodies cope with the season, and sneaking them into your cooking/recipes can go a long way towards making food our medicine, and preventing rather than treating. More on this topic from this great article. 
  10. Build a natural medicine cabinet—start with these 8 must-haves.

That’s it!! With a new baby on the way, we’re extra grateful for some of these tools/knowledge and I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to celebrate with you all– a winter of no over-the-counter meds or pharmacy and doc visits!!! Imagine how much time and money that would (and should) save us all. Prevention is my favorite way to go.