Mindset & Microshifts in ’22

Here we are, 1 month into ‘22. How are things shaping up for your year?They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and we’re at 31 days of working on new things for ‘22. How’s it feeling? What’s working, and where are you getting stuck? What’s on your heart to create more of? I’m here to support everything that you’re up to. Keep reading 😉

As you well know…80% of people will have given up on their new years resolutions by the 2nd week of Feb. And I know you’re on the other side of that stat, but perhaps you’re feeling a loss in motivation, and need a fresh perspective, mindset & some new tools to continue powering ahead towards your goals.Perhaps re-thinking how we set goals (vs building new habits) & setting up our feelings & intentions to align with those could be part of the issue…this is where a mindset coach comes in! 

Mindset shifts lead to major life shifts. Thinking differently leads to acting differently, and getting different results.

One concept, if you’ve read the book Atomic Habits, is the idea that small positive changes that are relatively easy to do daily—without major resistance (which always appears when we’re trying to make positive life changes))—can then build into an upward spiral. We all know this is true. If we make a great first choice in the morning to workout before reaching for coffee, then we’re more likely to eat healthier during the day, have energy to be patient with our kids/coworkers/pets, and then make choices that lead us to go to bed early to do the whole thing over again tomm.This relates to the concept of microshifts—changing 1% of your day, or 15 minutes, to make the calls you’ve been putting off, or taking time to pray, to get in a mini workout, whatever it is, sometimes those simple shifts are what truly get us building momentum & soon we realize that we’re able to upgrade & shift alot of things in our day towards the life we envision. 

Your ideal life & daily flow might be only a few microshifts away for you!

Another perspective on goals vs habits: Rather than focusing only on the stretch goal (run a marathon), we can focus in on the immediately do-able step towards the habit (get off the couch & go for a 30 min walk)…which can then, with consistency, become the habit that enables us to move daily & eventually, run that race! Perhaps along the way we realize that setting the goal of running a marathon was actually about feeling a certain level of fitness & daily satisfaction with working out…and the goal is about getting us to the habit, of the habitualized & intense fitness (which we can achieve with or without crossing the finish line).

What do you think of this? Does this help to shift the foucs on your stretch goals & focus instead on the habits, micro-shifts & processes that will get you closer to those goals?Keep scrolling down for some examples of some powerful microshifts I work with my life designers & inspired life clients on.I’m here for you. Onward & upward. Your dreams for ‘22 are real & deserve to be realized!

Want more of this (mindset work)? Consider doing the life design course or jumping into inspired life coaching with me. A fresh perspective & cheerleader—making your goals my own! Fill out this contact form below to discuss what will be best for you!

12 Best Books (and 5 best podcasts) for your first year in Business

I speak with and work with amazing entrepreuners and small business owners, who come from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds–teachers, advertising professionals, stay-at-home moms, consultants, writers, you name it. I LOVE the passion and energy of someone starting a new project, whether it’s a passion project, community service venture, philanthropic undertaking or a small business of their own. It’s just beautiful to see these dreams start to become reality, especially when they finally have the courage after years, and the moment is right to dive in. Well, I’ve also seen in so many cases, we underestimate ourselves. Not the need for the hard skills or what’s required. No, it’s not for lack of sweat equity and knowledge that the first year can be so challenging. It’s truly a matter of mindset. To shift one’s thinking away from cultural norms or to expand our level of expectation of ourselves, our successes, it requires truly new thoughts, ideas and inspirations. And we need to keep digging into our total mindset makeover for a full year (or more) as our visions become reality.  I learned this the hard way–hitting so many mental roadblocks early on in business, unsure of where to turn, thinking I was alone in this challenge or didn’t have the resources or depth to figure it out.

Turns out, the saying goes, you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Well, some of us may have been blessed or wise to build strong, incredible tribes of like-minded individuals around us. And this list is certainly encouraged to be used in a book club or business mastermind setting (that’s where some of them had their start with us too!). But in all honesty, I want to surround myself with the best of the best, and challenge my thinking continuously, and the best way I’ve found to do that is to hang out with these amazing role models through their writings.

So, without further ado, here’s my curated list, and a sentence or 2 about why each of these books made it!

(PS: Thanks in advance for using and supporting the affiliate links that make this blog possible…it’s what we call a win-win).

  1. The War of Art. Somehow, this is always at the very top of my list to recommend when someone says–I’m starting something new! It’s exciting and scary. Well, we all have this friend, RESISTANCE. It’s the reason that things don’t come to reality, that we stop ourselves, that we say we’re not good enough, that it can’t happen…but here’s the thing. This book will literally debunk every excuse you ever had, and then fire you up, with short and chewable kicks-in-the-pants for even those phases when reading seems like a distraction from the start-up checklist. You MUST read this book. Immediately, and then read it again every year thereafter.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This is the ultimate short-cut to understanding wealth creation and the mindset that’s required for breaking free from an Employee/9-5 mentality…and never looking back. I can’t recommend it highly enough, and check out the cash flow quadrant as a follow up to it. I go back to these concepts in my coaching time and time again–they are just so juicy.

3. The Happiness Advantage. Have you ever had the thought, or played out that you want to be happy, but that you must first achieve XYZ, or prove these things to yourself and others, especially in your current venture? Well, this book is going to perfectly and beautifully turn that strange cultural norm we have of HAVE, DO, BE…to BE, DO, HAVE. When we’re happy first–and work on our mind–we then create the habits, avenues and possibilities for greatest success…not the other way around….hard work, grind, grimace, and then with success we’re allowed to finally smile. I’m telling you, this is another game-changer. Not just for your current venture, but for your entire life!

4. Rising Strong. And for all the times when “Happiness” just doesn’t cut it, or life can’t be that simple…there’s this book. It taught me the beauty and power of a vocabulary and framework of vulnerability for true connection. And isn’t that what we’re all craving and creating when we make brands, serve clients, create something new? And we face so many of our own demons when we step into new roles and new playing fields. This is your playbook for how to handle all the #$*& that life throws at you…and to come out, stronger.

5. High Performance Habits. Now that you have some of that intense and big picture stuff behind you–let’s move on to your daily habits. This book is SO closely linked to common sense, it’s crazy, but it’s also revolutionary and mind-blowing at the same time, because no one has ever done what Brendon’s done, and set out to codify and study success as it relates to habits that we can copy. It’s the fastest cheat sheet to your personal growth accelerator that you can find–short of dishing out lots of money to attend a personal development or leadership seminar. Which you should. Consider this your teaser.

6. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. After working on yourself and your habits, this book turns you to awareness of the bigger picture–the team your building, or the company you’re creating, the clients and partners you’re working with and involving in your vision. This is such a classic text and the wisdom is richer with age. I can’t say enough good things, you’ll probably be re-reading it regularly, or referencing it. Leaders are readers, so you’re in the right company there too!

7) Start with Why. After focusing on your team and sphere of influence, this book is going to help you understand the power and importance of stating and living/exploring your vision to it’s fullest definition and potential. Classic quote from the book–“People don’t buy WHAT you sell, they by WHY you sell it.” I wish I could say this was an easy read, it’s not, it’s a bit of a slog at times…but it’s one of those must read books for entrepreuners, so read it you will!:)

8) The 4 Agreements. This is a classic of personal development, that becomes crucial and foundational for business owners and anyone creating their own brand. Want to be treated with respect, and always treat others at the highest level possible? This book shatters some societal expectations and helps us envision a world where there’s more GOODNESS, so we can go out and start creating it. These 4 rules for living will serve to bring so much peace and happiness to you when lived out.

9) Playing Big. This is your play book for expanding what you think is possible for yourself, and living life at a new level of purpose, vision and productivity. It’s one you have to sit with, go back to chapters in, and put into practice immediately, as you go!

10) Girl, Wash your face. Tying in with #9, perhaps more modern and relatable, and no less important. I have to admit I haven’t finished this one yet…but I listen to Rachel’s podcast daily and really love her. This book and her message has made her a household name very very quickly this past year. Enjoy it!

11) Lucky Bitch. Denise was one of the first business/money mindset mentors during my shift away from corporate America ideals. I loved her irreverent style, and she’s just so good at getting to the root of what may be holding us back–from abundance, success according to our definitions, and her definitions are often in 6 figures. She’s always leading the way for powerful women coaches and online marketers, and tapping into her abundance teachings will serve you well.

12) One beautiful dream. This is not at all saved for the end because of it’s lack of importance. This book had a huge impact on my heart when I read it. For many of us, business and our family goals and priorities go together–They certainly have to be in alignment, and I love Jen’s take on it. I think it’s a perfect final note for you to end on, as you’ve built your business to something you’re proud of, and you embrace and see how your own deepest values, and family life, actually inspires and contributes to your greatest inspirations and successes. Cheers!!

WHEW! This list is absolutely guaranteed to change your life. 

PODCASTS: So here’s the tricky thing for me about my podcast recommendations. I think it’s good to be 100% sure of the content and aware of the full package when recommending something. With the books, I’ve read them all cover to cover. With these podcasts, I haven’t listened to every single eposide, and it’s possible there are some real duds or things I wouldn’t wholeheartedly agree with or recommend. With a podcast, you’re letting someone into your life to influence you little by little, casually and easily, so I feel that it’s a more delicate relationship. However, these 5 are ones that I have a general sense of, have benefitted alot from myself, and I think you will soak up not only their truth bombs and wisdom, but also their personalities, humor and how much EASE they bring to their own passion. I guarantee a regular diet of these will LIGHT YOU UP.


Rachel Hollis, RISE. (her book is above)….just so down to earth, scatterbrained, smart, willing to try anything, talk to anyone, figure anything out. Her path hasn’t been straightforward and she oozes gratitude and wisdom nuggets like you wouldn’t believe. Enjoy her!

Jenna Kutcher, GOAL DIGGER. She is fun, fiesty, fiery, straight-talking and will take you on a wild ride through the layers of a multi-million dollar online marketing guru lifestyle!

Tony Robbins. Seriously one of the most larger-than-life human beings alive today. I can’t even prepare you for what he will do to shape your mind and heart with his truths…BUT–here’s the thing…now his podcast is sometimes outsourced and run/led by others–not cool–so be sure to find the REAL Tony Robbins and just eat it all up.

Brendon Burchard. I’ve spent the least time with his podcast, and some of his hacks haven’t been that great for me…but his book is solid gold, and I know he’s really the main coach working with and learning from the best of the best, so definitely keep him close to you for ideas…and healthy kicks when you get lazy or off-course.

Sarah Robbins. She is just one of the most incredible humans in the industry of social marketing. I think you’re going to be so drawn to her story, her deep faith, her incredible heart of vision, purpose, service and the bigger picture. She’s forever changed the landscape of online and social marketing for our generation, and you will probably cry during her episodes, I know I do, that’s how real, and important and beautiful her topics are.


I hope you enjoy these all–I know it’s alot to sink your teeth into, but regular podcast listening, a book a month, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful mindset shift that will shape and empower your business in ways you never knew were possible!

And connect with me if you feel that adding in regular coaching with me in the first year would support your highest goals and habits!