More seasonal eating: fall quiche flavors

I don’t know about you, but for me, quiche is the perfect fridge cleanout/catch all dish. I always have the basics around (eggs, cheese, milk) and the crusts are easy to get pre-made nowadays or make your own if you prefer that route. Here’s a good GF recipe if that supports you.

These are made with roasted sweet potatoes, ham, spinach, and bacon and onion (2 diff varieties)…and I’ve made them in the fall in the past with corn, roasted tomatoes, and of course, butternut squash and apples if you’re feeling very fall adventurous.

Sweet Potato, Ham and Spinach Quiche (with bacon option)

2 pie crusts for 9 inch pies

2 large sweet potatoes, diced small and roasted at 425 with olive oil until brown, with salt and pepper (can do ahead)

1 package ham, diced or 1 package bacon (cooked, and crumbled), or do one pie of each, like we did!

1 large onion (so half an onion) diced for 2 pies

2 cups spinach–optional to cook it down first, I let it cook down in the eggs.

Egg filling for each quiche (I always make them 1 at a time to get the right amount poured in, and works for scaling to more than 2 quiches)

*6 large organic eggs

*1-1 1/2 cup milk, depending on how milky you like your quiche (and how full of ingredients the pans are)

*1-2 cups swiss/gruyere grated cheese blend…can get from trader joes to save time

Salt and pepper to taste


Line the pie crusts into 2 pie pans

Prep in advance: I suggest roasting the sweet potato and cooking/crumbling the bacon a few hours in advance.

As you’re chopping the ingredients, you can be throwing them into the pan this way (or pull them out of the fridge…shortcuts).

Blend wet ingredients in a bowl with fork until well mixed, then pour it on in.

For baking quiches, there’s an art to it…getting the thing cooked through without burning the crust. You’ll want to start it at 375, and then after 15-20 minutes, turn it down to 350 or 325 to let it cook until solid, which should be another 15 minutes or so but each oven and each quiche batch seems to be different, so definitely keep an eye on it.

And prepare to enjoy! Best served with family, friends, a glass of wine or fall cider, and a fresh salad. Cheers to healthy fall comfort foods.

We always make the 2 quiches and for our family it makes great leftovers–it goes in the girls’ lunchboxes, makes a super easy breakfast to reheat, etc.

Bon Appetit!!!!