Musings from Postpartum Life – 3 Months with Eleanor Marie (and a Mini Birth Story)

I know everyone loves a good birth story. And every experience of new life begins there…in those special hours. I’ve had 4 births before this one that were as different as they each could be…and going into this birth was a whirlwind of nesting, preparations (basement reno life) and of course, the anticipation from all fronts about just who our tie breaker baby would be…

We went in for a scheuled induction post date…with a history of macro babies, post date and all the scheduling//logistics to get extra hands here, we were happy to take some of the element of surprise out of it, and move labor along with my midwives in hospital setting that I do best with. Low and behold it was a busy weeked in L&D dept, with a full (super) moon and a bunch of other folks with scheduled inductions…with me I started on cervadil and we watched to see if labor would kick start/jump start with a little encouragement…no luck…so 12 hours later (after a crazy night on the floor, a few emergencies with other mommas, and us just chilling/sleeping), they finally switched gears and got the green light to start me on pitocin, with minimal dilation but everything else lining up/ready to go. My labors have a history of being very long/slow/peaceful build up to 3 cm, and then finally when they can break my waters, things accelerate from there. It was a relaxed, chatty day, we visited with the awesome nurses/midwife and generally (almost) forgot why were there 😉 Finally…after 6 hours turning the pitocin higher and higher, and finally breaking my bag of waters, things started picking up, and I opted for epidural, to be more relaxed/restful after what had turned out to be a long (delayed) induction …we’re gonna say 36 hours in the L&D room–possibly a record! But only 12 of that was considered active labor from when they got my pitocin started to when she was born, in the wee hours of the morning. It was one of the most intentional, empowered, calm, (yes, challenging at moments, but mostly mentally), and serene births, and for that I am truly grateful. She was born 8lbs 10oz, a good lb smaller than my biggest baby, and from the first moment we laid eyes on her, we were absolutely and totally smitten.

I am a strong believer in honoring and making a significance to postpartum life, as a cocoon phase, and a time of transitions for mom and baby. Yes, there’s the obvious physical healing that needs to take place (often forgotten or underestimated in modern times), and there is just as importantly, a huge emotional/psychological component to postpartum life—mother and child are learning to be *Apart* from each other, after 9+ months of only ever existing *Together*…and in addition to that, the mother is embracing a new identity as a result of this child, and this is a radical and beautiful thing, but requires delicacy, awareness, and the right support systems. No matter how many children you have, you truly can’t *hack* or shortcut the postpartum phases, but you can instead (as I’ve done) learned to embrace them as a beautifully unique time, and to do my best to lean into them and live them with grace–and the mindset that I’m allowed to deeply thrive, just as my baby is meant to thrive. With the exponential rise of Postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety (which myself struggled with after child 3), I think it’s clear that we’re doing something wrong as a culture, in not supporting mommas properly in this time. It takes intention, planning, humility (welcoming help is hard for the super momma persona), but in the end, it’s what our mothers and children need. The babies need it (a thriving momma is so closely tied in to a thriving baby)…and of course, the worn out mommas of 2021 need a chance to feel loved, grounded, nourished, and happy. That’s the challenge and also the ideal.

While many from the outside might have seen only glimpses of my postpartum season with Nellie (some days I shared what was happening on social, other days I just kept it honored and quiet in my heart)…it was truly a beautiful season, even more beautiful than I could have imagined, and that largely in part because I welcomed the support I so desperately needed. Even if in past days, I could “wing it” with a recovery period, and then zoom on with my busy life, something switched after my 3rd child, and I realized I craved *rest *quiet *honoring the baby and the season I was in *doing things differently for a time *Fighting pressure to bounce back *Less is more with pp fitness…and so much more. This is where my postpartum momma’s group was born, and my own focus on supporting postpartum mommas as a health coach (with a beautiful and overwhelming response…because it touches a chord).

We all know the stereotype of the over-exhausted momma, desperate for a wink of sleep, and the incessantly crying infant who can’t adjust to it’s new life. Well let’s just say, that’s not how it has to be.

As you’ve seen from my other blog posts, I take birth prep very seriously (and healthy habits in pregnancy). These pay off most clearly in the first weeks of postpartum life.

If momma has been active, caring for herself well, focusing on optimal nutrition, and fueling her body (to reduce inflammation esp at the end), then the hours, days and weeks after birth can be a relaxed and gentle period of rest…with no thought of rushing back to fitness or “normal life” or work, or anything.

Because these topics are near and dear to my heart (as I live them yet again)…I’ve been working on a mini-course that goes more in depth into some of these topics. You’ll see references to it throughout, but here’s the first chance for you to check out what it’s all about…it’s designed to connect directly with you, in each beautiful phase of preparing for postpartum, living postpartum, building your support team, deciding how to nourish and support yourself and baby best, and so much more…and it’s done through small/short videos that you can watch in 5 to 10 min segments (because sometimes that’s all we have, when breastfeeding, etc), and they are meant to inspire, uplift, provide concrete tools and a framework for doing postpartum well. It’s going to look different for everyone, so the course will give room for YOU to uncover and embrace what style of PP you’d like to have, and go from there…

I also prepped a small gift from my postpartum toolkit to any of you mommas that this would help: it’s a sheet of postpartum affirmations that I use regularly (daily) in PP to help ensure my mindset and my heart are in the right place. So many things can swing our moods and emotions and feelings in PP, and so often I see that mommas run the risk of getting so down on themselves, guilty or letting random advice or judgment take the place of their own beautiful intuition about what’s needed. So here it is, enjoy, and let me know what you think (tag me if you’re enjoying using them)….@maddypidel on insta, and #inspiredpostpartum.

Grab my free Postpartum affirmations sheet here.

Transformative Postpartum

I’ve loved this image and analogy since I first heard it, that postpartum life is like a cocoon, a safe and transitional place/season that is a crucial part of both mother and baby emerging as balanced and thriving individuals. So often our society puts pressure on us, mothers, to pretend as if nothing happened, to be back on our emails, our treadmills, our hectic pace, without acknowledging just what a huge and life changing occasion this is…it takes time to unpack. It’s not a sign of weakness to carve out crucial rest and healing time, especially in honoring the first 40 days after birth, and the first 3 months often hailed as the “4th trimester” of critical baby development, and mother’s recovery–physically and also emotionally.

Creating your ideal Postpartum

Yes, it’s OK, and good to dream about and plan for your ideal postpartum. Obviously every baby is different, every birth experience and recovery is different, and every family and support set up is different. With all that said, it’s your right and your role, as mother, to set up the ideal and communicate that clearly, so that you and baby can focus on bonding, and you can hone your motherly instinct to serve you best during this time.

For some of you…your ideal postpartum is 3 months alone, with baby (and maybe spouse)….

But, with other siblings in the mix, if any, or the fact that lonliness is seen as a key contributor to postpartum anxiety and depression…mothers really aren’t meant to do this alone. At least you need someone to help cook and clean while you rest 😉

And for me, my ideal postpartum looked quite different. I’m extremely extroverted, and coming out of a year like we’ve had (thanks covid), the idea of having loved ones around us in the days after Nellie’s birth was positively life-giving. Yes, we were hosting many of them in our home, and yes, some days it was alot. But the trade-offs I saw for my family, my kids, my husband and myself were so rich. And in this process I learned to articulate my boundaries, ensured I napped/laid down every day with Nellie. I learned when to say I needed a few hours to myself (and someone would take the kids out), vs welcoming people in for meals, cooking for us, hosting, and of course, never playing hostess but always focusing exactly on my needs and baby’s—disappearing to rest or feed whenever needed.

It’s a delicate balance to be found, but I know that when mommas are happy and feel loved, celebrated, supported, nourished well, and more, then it gives them crucial time to focus on baby and recovery, and resetting in every way.

Intuitive Postpartum

You’ll hear a theme here in this post—intuitive eating, intuitive movement, and intuitive living in postpartum…it’s what I aspire to, and it’s our best chance at thriving. Remember the phrase “mother’s intuition”? Cheesy or not, it’s true that in these beautiful intense early days, our intuition is at it’s strongest, and it’s a chance to lean into it, trust it, and hone it (if you’re not practiced/skilled at living or listening to intuition). It will serve us well, and help protect us from burnout, stress, mood swings, and more.

Trust your gut…even while you heal and nourish it in postpartum (see my gut boosting tools below). Your intution and your instincts during these early days are beautiful and powerful–and designed to make it so that you thrive, as well as baby thrives. Sometimes, when things would feel out of whack or the days would be whirling by me without enough intention, I would pause and very clearly check in with myself: how am I doing? Scan the body, how am I feeling? What do I need? What do I sense that baby (and my other household members) need today? How can I ensure that I get the rest and self-care that’s vital for me, while the rest of them can thrive? The answers are always there, as soon as we do that mental reset and check in. It’s critical for thriving in postpartum, so I encourage you to build the muscle, and journaling/meaningful connections with other mommas and your support team can also help in teasing out what is needed/best for all right now.

When in doubt…rest.

The answer to many mini challenges that arise with a new life with new baby stem from just mis-matching our pace of life (blame modern world moving at the speed of light). What’s needed is REST, stillness, peace, calm. Baby needs it, and so does our postpartum body. In the first 2 months especially, I am willing to take rest as the default. Sure, there are spurts of activity, outings, the like, but in general, I’m reminding myself (and baby’s cues are perfect here, with their frequent feedings)…that the key is to rest and put your feet up. Having a postpartum nook and some enticing snacks/drinks/a book or phone, is a key element of looking forward to all the moments you’ll spend nursing your little one. Filling them with the best nourishment, you’re reminded to replenish yourself—energy tea, postpartum teas, enriching meals, bone broths, etc….

Your needs for support are very real, and change frequently.

From my experiences with babes #4 and 5, when doing postpartum more intentionally….you have very specific needs during week 1 and 2, and these change after, into weeks 2-4, then again after 6 weeks or 40 days. With Nellie, I found it was a good 7+ weeks (while at grandma’s house) before she was settling and napping well on her own (being able to put down and sleeping long stretches). Now, that’s a real milestone, and before that, it’s good to be extra reliant on help, and ensuring that you’re getting breaks from full baby duty, in addition to housework, meals, etc. You just need to know you can get mental resets and fully rest yourself, in order to come back stronger in every way.

Postpartum fitness…less is more.

I laugh when I write this, because I truly didn’t get this for my first few postpartums. I was itching to be “back” and pushed myself harder than I needed to…with the net result being a longer or more difficult recovery, or in the case of my 2nd postpartum, after a huge baby/drawn out birth and not respecting time for my abs to heal (didn’t have everymother) I was jumping into ab exercises and HIIT early on and probably doing more damage than good to my body, in the name of coming “back” and feeling myself. Now there’s nothing wrong with that instinct, but we want to be as gentle as possible. Less is definitely more when it comes to pospartum activity and “fitness” (I have in quotes because the focus should be on function before fitness)…our pelvic floor, core and all of our body have been through something life changing and intense. They need time to heal…rest is literally the best and most effective weight loss tool in early PP, and balancing moods, strengthening core, stretching/re-discovering un-used or under-used muscles is KEY for a real pp fitness journey that gets you where you want to be, injury free, stress free, balanced, and stronger than ever.

For me, after Nellie, this looked like moving intuitively (around the house, and a few tiny outings) for 3 weeks, breathing, stretching a bit, everymother, then slowly starting to go on short walks in the neighborhood, starting with the short distance up and down in front of the house, and then longer walks (we live on a 2/3 mile cul-de-sac loop) but always staying very mindful and never pushing myself. I focused most of my energy in the first 6 weeks on nutrition and rest, and proper healing/ab support, and the result was that at 6 weeks I felt totally ready and eager for my first run!!

Postpartum Nutrition: Intuitive Eating

Now I know that it may sound crazy to say to a new mom: trust your intuition, eat what you crave and what makes you feel good. So many moms feel this pressure to start calorie counting, dieting, and watching what they eat from day one…it’s crazy and counter-productive. Your body and your baby need so much right now…and none of it can feel or be restrictive. However, I do understand that there are alot of misconceptions and misunderstandings out there, so here’s some guidelines that I’ve taken from the overall framework of the wonderful book The first 40 days…and adapted based on my experiences.

Eat a high fat, high nutrient diet for the first month, to balance hormones, provide you and baby with balanced, enriching meals, and totally don’t even think about diets, weight loss, and of that, but rather, focus on stress management, hormone balancing, sleep, and feeding baby well…that will achieve the desired effect for you (with the help of my pp nutrition super kit).

It’s important to eat warm, easily digestible, soft foods and emphasize teas and broths and warm, veggie and meat rich (bone broth is key, as is a delicious steak or two if that sounds appetizing)

Trust yourself and enjoy snacking like a queen…I had a wonderful friend send me bags from whole foods my first week PP with all the delicious healthy snacks you can imagine, nuts, trail mix, veggies and hummus, chips, I was in heaven…and of course, chocolate. I keep some stashed by my nursing/postpartum nook and had it in my bedside table too; quick hits of sugar and something yummy to take the edge off your hunger when you’re feeding. Acknowledge that now, more than ever, you’re eating *and hydrating* for 2, so give yourself permission to enjoy pretty much everything you like, in moderation, and trust the process…weight loss comes as a natural result of re-balancing, nourishing, stabilizing after birth, making sure baby has enough nutrients coming, and then releasing weight (with healthy digestion, etc playing a key). The First 40 days book emphasizes eating animal products/iron rich foods and there’s a whole section in my upcoming PP course about specifics of meal planning and nutrition in PP. The main thing is that you’re letting other people cook for you—and doing as little cooking and shopping in the first month as possible! That’s the way in which it takes a village. Virtual or in person (local) meal trains are your best friend, and be specific about what you want! (Maybe you get sick of pasta really easily!)…we loved getting meals delivered from our favorite local restaurants, and it’s often easier for someone to place an order for food you’ll love, and they can do it from anywhere, rather than stressing about bringing meals to you–it depends on what you want and what works for them….I saw it work well for a friend recently to do a virtual meal train, so I think whatever floats your boat and works for your network of friends and family.

Next level self-care

Whatever that looks like for you–don’t hesitate to do it. For me, this time around, in the midst of the first weeks (with alot of extra hands around), it looked like prioritizing pelvic physical therapy (life-changing! I’ve been doing it 5 years and adore it), and reflexology, which has been a hugely beneficial healing modality for me…it’s one of the best ways to re-balance all the systems of the body, hormones, etc after birth–I go monthly for the first 6 months!

It means caring for myself with all the tools in my nutritional tool-kit–night and day difference with doing postpartum (my first one…really rough)…vs my other postpartums…(see details below).

It means putting my phone down and staring at Nellie, or napping for an hour instead of doing chores midday, or sending the kids out with a kind relative so I can have a quiet (relatively clean) house and get a few things done on my computer, or hopping into a postpartum soak bath after putting the kids to sleep.

It means saying no to negative energies around myself and my family, or setting new boundaries based on the kind of ideal day schedule we’re setting up.

Productivity & Life design in PP: permission to write new life priorities
With both other girls (that I had 10 and 8 years ago), the focus was always on back to work, and enjoying the fleeting time I had with them…But also tearing myself away at 8 weeks PP with both to be back in an office/pumping/the whole 9 yards. Working mommas; I see you, I feel your pain. You’re happy to be back, activating your mind and being yourself, but then you’re torn because this part of your heart lives outside of you now, and generally wants to be with you/near you all the time!!

For me, now, that my life is established (and my PP experiences solidified my decision to be my own business owner…to live this season to the full and watch baby grow)….I find that yet, with each child, there’s a major shift that occurs, and now I just lean into it, and welcome the idea that I will want to switch up many elements of life as part of welcoming a new baby. It’s a seismic shift, and there’s no good reason to pretend like you have to go on just as before. I’m humbling asking for more help, to be able to continue doing what I love to do, and what fuels me, even as soon as I try to be more for each of my kiddos–it’s just not possible some days, and there’s no pride in trying to be alll things for all of your people (incl spouse ;):)

Sometimes, life with a new baby brings us ultra clarity about what we want to have in our life still (and what we’re happy to let go of)…I love this element, of simplifying, coming from a place of rest, and listening to yet again, our intuition. I always come out of the first few months newly convicted about new directions to take my business as a biz owner, creatively charged up in new directions as a content creator, coach, and more. I love letting go of things that aren’t serving me…and never looking back. This includes even relationships that don’t have a place/role in your new life with baby. Now, with homeschooling in the mix, I’m in a season of gathering inspiration and tools for that, and preparing for even more leaning into help to make it all happen.

People often ask me for tips about life design and generally productivity while in PP phase. The answer is: use all the small moments well. You may not have an hour chunk with no interruptions, but you can learn to embrace and use the smaller fragments:: 5 min here for a phone call/checking off the list, 10 minutes here for a computer session/email time, 15 minutes there for brainstorming or using those valuable (many) feeding hours for reading/reflection/journaling/making phone calls rather than just scrolling the feed (though there’s a rejuvenating time for that too!)

Coming soon…postpartum mini course sneak preview…

I really have so much to say on each and every one of these topics (often learned from doing it wrong, or learning from what happened in previous postpartums), and I only have so much space here…BUT, the postpartum mini course is the place where I get to share more–from my PP heart straight to yours.

Here’s a glimpse at some of what the PP course is covering:

Postpartum daily rituals
Postpartum mood management
Setting up support/structure for early weeks, and beyond
Core recovery
Postpartum fitness and nutrition
postpartum snacks
productivity and life design in postpartum

I’m having a blast creating this course, and it’s a gift to be able to share it from this place of being right in the middle of (coming out of the first 3 months) with my own sweet Eleanor Marie, where it’s all fresh in my mind and heart.

If you’re not a mom, or not in PP, but think this blog post or the upcoming course could benefit a friend, feel free to send them this link…I greatly appreciate it, as that’s how this blog grows and supports mommas.

Thank you to all those of you who have supported and been part of this postpartum journey of mine so far…it’s such a rich blessing to know that there are so many who are supporting, either physically if close by, sending gifts or meals, and generally creating such a warm welcome for Nellie.

I am still allowing myself to sift through my own life priorities, and letting new things come to the forefront now, as we head into the next phases of life with 5 kids…right at this beautiful cusp of welcoming the fall, etc.

Definitely this blog, and the postpartum mommas group and all the ways I get to serve you in your health and life design journeys is a huge source of inspiration and support to me, and I love getting to look at new layers and angles to continue in it.

Here’s the postpartum nutritional tools/packages I swear by, since some of you have been asking for specifics and links, it’s all here & you can message me or email me if you have questions or want to get free shipping, or bundle PP coaching sessions with it!

Postpartum nutrition packages

*Healthy digestion:

*PP sleep tools:

*Energy & mood:

*Multi/covering your bases

*Breastfeeding/milk production support

Packages: designed from my PP nook to your hearts & hom.


Give me the good stuff

The ultimate PP package

Why I still wear a bikini after 4 kids…

I realize this post may be unintentionally controversial, and I’m not here to have a discussion about modesty & whether bikinis should be worn.

The fact of the matter is, occasionally, I wear them. Sometimes I don’t when I know I’ll be super active or prefer to have more coverage.

Many moms just tell themselves that after they have kids, that’s it…they will never be the “same”.

Well, that’s true. You’re forever changed…for the better. Your heart changes in all the best ways, and while yes, pregnancy & birth can leave their marks on our bodies, I believe that these are things that we should acknowledge, share, and celebrate.

I could easily run down the list…the belly button will never be quite the same as it was before being stretched & expanded to a breaking point 4 times…stretch marks are a reality for many, varicose veins for some, and the list of undesirable goes on…

But, at some point along the way, I realized that my kids deserve for me to:

a) Work hard to be at my best, for them. To not use anything as an excuse for taking care of myself, nutrition, exercise, rest, general self-care, and almost the most important, mental health habits that allow me to be a positive, present, (mostly) calm momma.

b) Be an example for them of joy, energy, health, loving the gifts of their life, including the body they have to care for. I witness this self-acceptance (especially important for my girls), and face my own demons, in working towards this everyday, gently & with intention.

Mommas, our bodies have done incredible things in creating, birthing, feeding and raising these humans. Let’s celebrate them, and build each other up as well (it makes me so sad to see moms sitting around telling each other about all their body & life complaints & then validating for each other that it’s ok to do nothing about it, and to stay frustrated & unhappy).

The 2 main tools I use in postpartum (well, starting in pregnancy) for my core strength, and fighting gravity and the “mummy tummy” is to rely on the Every Mother workout programs…for a strong core in pregnancy, which is key for birth and early recovery. They have an amazing early reclaim program that offers safe simple exercises (via an app) starting a week after birth–and then you can transition to their standard “reclaim” program at 6 weeks PP. The second tool I use (besides my full postpartum nutrition regimen, see here)…is the 7 day healthy cleanse, always after about 6 months PP. Here’s an example of how this helps me (in conjunction with the exercises) to fight bloating and unnecessary extra weight around the middle…resetting metabolism, digestion, and more in the months following baby.

This is safe to do in postpartum, with modifications.

These 2 tools, and the PP stretching series I created (below) have helped countless other mothers I know, and truly, it’s not just about looking good in a cute suit (though that’s important too). It’s about avoiding back pain, core weakness, tendencies to hernias, pelvic floor weakness, and so much more that comes with the territory (if we aren’t actively working on fitness & strength during childbearing seasons).

A mindset shift I like to make in pregnancy & postpartum is not bemoaning the inevitable changes to our bodies (which are many)…but in focusing in on what we CAN do…celebrating and being grateful for all that our bodies are doing to care for, support, grow, nurture these little perfect humans, as well as what we’re able to do for ourselves, our communities…it’s a simple but crucial shift. If you need to, start an affirmations list that includes the things that you’re grateful you can do–run after your kids in the yard,

I used to be a fitness junkie…I did HIIT almost every day after my 2nd chid…but with a less than strong core, it wasn’t entirely what my body needed. Mindul movement and gentle approaches to fitness and health in pregnancy & postpartum will serve us best in the long run. Of course, each person has a different starting point, and it’s good to celebrate the fact that our bodies are designed to recover well & be even stronger than before, with the right tools & support.

To all the mommas out there who are wondering whether they should show off the ways in which their children have changed them, my answer is YES. You are more beautiful than you may ever know. Look into their eyes and you’ll see the answer there…you’re their everything, and deserve to feel that way no matter what.

If you’re curious to try the Every Mother program, it’s literally never to late (or early) to heal or prevent diasistis recti & all the conditions that come with it.

You can access my link to the Every Mother program (best part–it’s all available on an app!) here.

And use code MPIDEL15 at checkout for 15% off.

If you want to check out the 7 day healthy cleanse, you can order your kit here, and email me to get your guide, meal plan, healthy modifications, and all the tools you need to get started.

Finally, check out this postpartum stretching series & postpartum body image chats series I recorded for all the moms who are in the same place, of looking to regain strength, confidence, groundedness, and vibrancy after birth.

You’re truly incredible momma, and you deserve to feel & look amazing! Vibrancy starts with the inside out, and that special glow & spark you bring to everything you do!



PS, email me to learn about my new INSPIRED MOTHERHOOD coaching offerings, to help you live your motherhood, inspired.

A postpartum meal–to give, or receive

I LOVE the tradition of showering new moms with meals, after a babe. It’s a simple, perfect way to support her and her family, in those moments when she needs extra rest and less to think about (food shopping!)…so, when I get the chance to do this for friends, it makes me so happy.

I decided on this seasonal meal because it emphasizes eggplant, which is known to be very good for toning/healing the cervix after birth. It’s hearty while being vegetarian, and is a favorite that can please the hub and kids too.

The side dish is a beet and goat cheese salad, filling and beets are an incredible detox food…giving a gentle cleanse to the organs—so perfect for a pp momma.

And for dessert–a seasonal crisp–light and refreshing…we chose blueberry, you can do peach or any flavor that suits you and the season, and who you’re making it for.

And…adding a loaf of fresh bread and a bottle of wine will make it a treat that truly honors the beautiful mother and her family in this special season.

There are a number of steps to this meal, but if you get into a flow and do all of it in overlapping stages, you can get it all done in the space of a…say…6 month old afternoon nap time 😉

Eggplant Parm

*1-2 medium to large eggplants, organic is best

*1 jar of local marinara sauce

*1 log (10-12oz) of fresh/local mozzarella cheese.

*2-3 eggs (blended in a bowl)

*3/4 c. whole wheat flour, for breading

*olive oil, for medium saucepan, and bottom of the 9×13 dish that you’ll be baking the eggplant parm in.

*Salt & pepper to taste

Blueberry Crisp

*1-2lbs of organic blueberries, seasonal.

*1/2 cup butter (softened)

*3/4 cup oats

*3/4 cup brown sugar–sprinkle 1/4 cup on the fruit and let it sit for 30+ min while you’re doing other things. The other 1/2 cup will be for the blueberry crumble.

Beet, goat cheese and lettuce salad

*1 small log organic goat cheese

*1 container of mixed greens, or 2 heads of lettuce

*3 med beets, roasted, peeled, cooled and chopped (see below).

Serve with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, lightly tossed right before serving.

Throw the beets in the oven at 400 to roast in tinfoil. It will take about 40 min to an hour, depending on how big they are. I had one monster one from the farm, and 2 smaller, so I took them out at different times (poke a knife in to be sure its buttery soft)…then peel the skin off once they cool, chop, and they are ready to go in the salad later on.

Next (while those cook) prep the eggplant parm.

Prep the 9×13 baking dish, and heat the olive oil until hot. Take the medium sliced eggplant and dunk to cover, first in the egg, then in the flour–to bread it. Throw 3-4 into the sizzling oil at a time, and cook until slightly brown on one side, then flip. Note, depending on how thick you cut, and their pan cook time, they may not be fully tender in the middle. That’s ok, because you bake them with the sauce and they full cook at that point.

Once you’ve arranged these eggplants in a single layer (usually 6 for me, when using the 9×13)…then we go to the sauce and cheese layers. Dump some sauce to cover, and throw a slice of mozzeralla on each eggplant slice–very satisfying to the organized mind 😉

Complete these steps until you have 2-3 layers, with the sauce and mozzarella on top. Then you can put it aside, to have the baking take place at the new momma’s home (so it’s hot and fresh) or, bake it at your place to simplify things for her. 350 oven for 20-30 min, until you see it bubbling well. (Note, can be baked in conjunction with the crisp…efficiency!)

Finish assembling crisp (fruit with sugar has been sitting), use a pastry cutter to cut in butter, oats, and brown sugar. This is gluten free, and OH SO good. Then crumble the oat mixture on the fruit, and let it sit…again, either bake at home and bring warm, or pop it into the oven at her place so that the smells of baking dinner and dessert are part of the experience.

As a health coach, food is definitely a love language for me, and I love supporting moms (and being supported!) during postpartum, a time of special attention, love and rest for mommas who are doing so much work in healing and feeding, loving on their babies.

I hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think–if you’re bringing it to a friend, be sure to make double so you feed your own family too 🙂 And if you’re a new mom, send this link to someone who will be happy to make it for you!

With love,


Check out my posts on postpartum nutrition, healing and reflections after my 4th (born January 2019)

Currently postpartum? I made a special stretching series that helps us focus on loving & honoring the postpartum body, while building new layers of strength and body image.

I started a postpartum community on FB a few years back, it’s been a wonderful community, chatting all things thriving in postpartum (and that could be 3 weeks or 6 years after baby).

And…let’s connect on instagram! I’m @maddypidel.

Postpartum life series: reflections at the 2019 NAMI women to women brunch

I had the honor of speaking at this beautiful event earlier this month. It was a privilege and I was thrilled to speak about a topic that is so near to my heart, and which I’m currently living–namely, finding balance & thriving in postpartum, and bringing awareness to the many challenges faced during this beautiful, fragile and absolutely life-changing season. Of course we focus on the milestones of a babies first months, but we must similiarly acknowledge and celebrate/support a mother in all her milestones of postpartum, and what she’s experiencing. I have seen all too often that women “suffer through” these tiring months without support, balance, joy or healthy habits that make them at their best. And as a culture and society, sadly PPD and PPA instances are on the rise, as we pressure women to get “back” to their perfect body, their normal levels of activities, and to rush back into work away from baby. Basically–to ignore the special needs, pace and blessings of this phase of life. Let’s change all of this. We’re flipping the script on postpartum life, I know as a community and society, that it’s important and possible.

*So, if you were there, you’ll know that this is NOT the speech I actually gave word for word—I always find in the moment that speaking from my heart rather than reading is the way to go, but since I prepped these notes, I wanted to share, and get your reactions to them. I know it takes a village and we’re all finding ways to voice just what we, our friends, and the mothers around us, truly need in postpartum. All of our experiences and stories deeply matter. The world needs to hear and be shaped by them*

Blaise made his stage debut with me, it meant so much that I could have him there as part of my presentation–the very representation of what I’ve become so passionate about advocating for and modeling; mothers can be mothers AND make an intentional impact, it’s not an either/or. It’s time for society to recognize and embrace these new models for work & mothering.
A captive audience…
Beautiful and inspiring friends whose own paths and work (and friendship) brought us together; they are wonderful advocates for healthy motherhood, prevention, and a focus on the whole person.
I’m always and continually inspired by courageous women–mothers and now grandmothers–who have forged the path of courage and authentic truth-telling. Their legacy is where we pick up, and their important work is echoed in all that we undertake. Barb is a true hero of mine in women making a huge impact through their work and business ownership, nutritional counseling–it was an honor to precede her on stage.
Indeed we are.

Talk given at the Woman to Woman event, Saturday, May 18, 2019

Event supporting NAMI (National Alliance Mental Illness)

Tomorrow Starts Today…with how we flip the script on thriving motherhood in postpartum

Good morning, my name is Madeleine Pidel, I’m a wife and mother of 4. I am also a health and business coach, and my postpartum experiences have completely transformed my outlook on life, my own career, and the trajectory of my life and our family. I want to share some reflections about why I believe that we can flip the script on mothers thriving in motherhood (which begins in the fragile days of postpartum), and thus create a better tomorrow, today.

I will start with my experiences in postpartum, and draw out some important conclusions based on stories that many of you here may be able to relate to, or know someone in your life who’s going through this.

With my first daughter, born 9 years ago this summer, I was working hard at a job I loved in NYC, when all of a sudden, it was time for her to be born, and maternity leave started…

…After a challenging (and beautiful) natural birth experience, I found myself completely overwhelmed, exhausted, life upside-down, no way of knowing how to care for this little human in my arms, or myself. I remember some days I didn’t get dressed, didn’t leave the couch, but I had a super supportive husband, and community of first time moms, so it wasn’t too lonely or tough (comparatively). But I definitely struggled with my identity, my feelings of self-worth (when I was focusing all my time on a baby, which didn’t feel “productive” to my career driven self). I had tinges of postpartum depression, and by 8 weeks, was actually relieved to have found an amazing nanny and to be going back to work part time–my brain needed it, and I needed a reason to get dressed and feel like a normal human. Of course, once I was balancing part-time (almost full-time) work and a child, I was getting frayed thinner than ever before. This is the reality for so many women. And rather than asking for more help, I just pushed harder and began to experience burnout when I was around 1 year postpartum. I had a health crisis, was very nutritionally depleted, no extra energy to workout or “care for myself” which I had decided was “selfish” at this point. It was my own crisis and wake up call I needed. I was fired from the job that was draining me, and I was given the gift of time to focus on being “just mom” while looking for another job.

At this point, my friend Melinda reached out to me and supported me, and shared this opportunity of business ownership that she was just discovering as a new mom like me. I was given a ray of hope to create a beautiful future for our family, and to dream again, all in an instant. What a gift to give a mother—to believe she can be truly present to her babies and kids as they grow, while being fully ambitious and pursuing beautiful things that matter to her too. It’s our lean-out, best of both worlds reality, that I feel so privileged to live, and to share.

This time, I had a strong sense that while my baby (turned toddler) could thrive without me around, I needed to be more a part of her life, and I was inspired to prepare to leave my desk job life. So in preparing to conceive and give birth to my 2nd child, I started my own business with this amazing tribe of women you see all around you, and I choose to work in finance in an environment with better work-life balance, and I knew I would be saying goodbye to office life after my 2nd was born, so my husband and I did everything we could to prepare financially for this transition. I had these incredible nutritional tools that are being shared (with my 2nd pregnancy) and felt amazing (no GD, worked out until 37 weeks), and my birth to a 9lb 11 oz baby girl was a beautiful experience, and my recovery was swift, I felt amazing just days after birth. I went on the road and traveled when she was 3 weeks old; to our global conference and our families. Balancing postpartum with a toddler was challenging but I wisely put myself into situations (the homes of my aunt, my mom, my mother in law) where I could rest and be cared for in those early weeks. But when I was preparing to go back to work at 8 weeks (to finish up a project then give my notice), the familiar deep dread set in. It’s just against everything in our hormonal and natural makeup to leave our babies so young and be sitting in an office, often doing work we could do remotely. Pumping and bottle prep takes women sometimes up to an hour each day/evening, and it’s just draining. My child didn’t take a bottle well at all, so I was going home on lunch breaks to feed her, then rushing back to work, pump, work some more, all knowing that things would shift soon enough. When she was 3.5 months old (and I’d been working for 6 weeks to complete an audit project)–I brought her in, in a carrier, and gave my notice to my boss, one of the moments I’ll always remember. I focused on my littles and worked on growing my at home business. The challenges of self-care, and balance remain, but with the empowering community of business owners, no one judges you for bringing babies to meetings, to conferences, and I felt so empowered and grateful. I had mom friends commenting to me–“you’re so lucky you get to have time with your babies and still use your brain”, and this beautiful reality drove me to share this gift with many other mommas. The work-life balance we desire, and which our babies need from us in their first years of life, is possible with some creativity and grit.

I LOVE seeing the women of my generation–from all walks of life and careers, rise up and take a stand for better balance in their work, in the baby’s first year and beyond. We’re continuing to show that we’re more valuable in our careers of choice BECAUSE of being mothers, not in spite of it. And with enough women doing just this important balance, the general culture can shift towards being more understanding of flexible working, a win-win situation.

I have now had 2 other postpartum experiences, as a business owner, and it’s incredible beautiful and freeing. I have had to learn to be better about asking for help, outsourcing everything except the most precious roles that only a mother can fill, and learning “radical self-care for radical service” which is my tagline for mommas. It’s not selfish to make sure our bodies, hearts and minds are working at their best to care for and raise these humans. It’s essential. And we need to rise up and create a stronger culture of care and support, enlisting folks who truly understand what is happening (and needed) in postpartum to provide that for mommas.

Of course, dropping off meals and baby clothes is a kind gesture, and appreciated, but even more appreciated or needed is taking the other kids away for an hour so mom can nap, or, when she’s ready, coming over to provide company to the new mother, or just hold the babe while she gets a moment to herself.

Additionally, all the nutritional and hormone balancing tools we offer are a crucial part of the puzzle for me. I use the foundational nutrition tools that the women in this room all use and rave about–I don’t know about you, but I want to age with grace, and alot of energy. I’m healthier now in my mid 30s, after 4 kids, than I was in my mid 20s, and I know it’s thanks to these daily vitalizer and daily shake. I literally can’t imagine going a day without them.

I’ve had 3 incredibly healthy pregnancies, with perfect health markers, high energy, the ability to workout, and this sets up for a smoother postpartum experience–less “baby weight” to lose, more energy, easier time transitioning into postpartum fitness habits, and of course it takes discipline and a strong WHY, but this is something all new moms crave and need more of, to be uplifted and reminded that they too, are allowed to thrive. Even the age old “sleepless exhausted” momma of a newborn doesn’t have to be that way. I had 1 baby (before Shaklee) who was the classic collicky, gassy, fussy, not a good sleeper, and I have since had 3 larger (healthy birth weight) Shaklee babies who sleep well for me from day 1, and not only that, we have tools like the cal mag and the pm recover to ensure mommas get the most out of their crucial rest.

With my 3rd postpartum, even though I was very healthy and had a good recovery, I began to experience some signs of adrenal fatigue and PPA, which is less diagnosed, understood or talked about. For me it looked like being super busy, keeping my super mom cape on too much, and getting frayed/fried around the edges. Getting exhausted easily, snappy at my kids (too easily anxious or angry) and I had to work to reset my nervous system, with tools like the stress relief complex, B’s, valuing sleep more, and I also discovered the incredible healing art of reflexology, and regular massage, etc, to support my body and give it extra doses of self-care, for all that I was expecting of it. This is when I embraced the concept of “radical self-care for radical service”–when we know WHY we want to be at our best, and who we’re doing it for (in addition to ourselves) it rises from the level of “extra” to essential.

This time around, in my 4th postpartum with Blaise, I wanted it to be as peaceful and restful as possible, and I called on my mom and family/sisters to come and stay with me for the first full month. I cooked very few meals, did almost no driving or caring for the kids, and this allowed me to have my best, fastest recovery, which amazed my midwives, considering it’s my 4th. I used Every Mother throughout the pregnancy and in the weeks following to prevent any additional separation and to continue healing my DR–which is a huge challenge for many moms, and I know SO many folks who’ve seen huge improvements in their back pain, posture, core strength and more.

I also did the extra resting/focus on support in those first weeks to balance my mood and ensure I didn’t develop early triggers for adrenal fatigue. It’s about giving mom permission (and value) to deeply REST, and in doing the very important work that she and baby are doing. We need communities and a society that support this understanding of postpartum, and as I look around this room, I can see that all of you are inspired by, and working towards, and can commit with me towards that.

I’ve become so much more aware of what my body needs in postpartum, with the phrases “intuitive eating” and “mindful movement” shaping much of my daily habits, and I’m so grateful for the incredible set of nutritional tools at our disposal. I’ve gone on to run a half marathon at 6 months postpartum with my 3rd, and things that would have been unthinkable to that original sleep and energy deprived me of 9 years ago. The GLA complex helps with balancing hormones and I take it whenever I’m feeling my mood is out of whack, along with lots of healthy (mindful movement, walking, stretching), socializing with those who lift me up, and epsom salts are hugely healing for postpartum nerves, afalfa for breastfeeding, vivix for reducing inflammation and of course, healthy digestion with optiflora DI. I eat a hormone balancing diet and have learned so much about the nutrition of postpartum not only through coaching other women through it from all walks of life, and living it myself deeply, but also through this wonderful resource called “the first 40 days” (A perfect book to give to someone you know who’s expecting a babe) (linked below). It’s about committing to a self care routine and knowing you’re doing it for you, and for baby. Doing things that bring us joy each day are crucial–it can be as simple as reading a book you enjoy while baby naps on you in the mornings with your favorite tea, laying out on a blanket in the sun in our yards while babe is napping, or grabbing a coffee at your favorite local spot, and sitting in a park (getting OUT with babe for our best mental health)…these things build up our level of joy and gratitude during this season which is also so ultimately demanding of us. The balancing act is challenging, but so beautiful when each mom finds her postpartum groove.

These babies are our future, and caring well for their mommas in those crucial, vulnerable, fragile first weeks & months (which are also the most beautiful), is our gift to the future of our world.

Action item: Can we all reach out to a new mom in our life today; let her know she’s valued, loved and supported? Share with her that postpartum can be a thriving, energized and truly happy and wonderful experience, and that want to be there for her, to support her in experiencing just that, with your presence, deep caring, and all the tools and ideas mentioned here.

Thank you!

More resources:
*First 40 days, a guide to nourishing the new mother (book)
*Facebook Postpartum community
*Other postpartum blog posts–here and here.
*Support NAMI (Putnam county chapter) here.

Postpartum life series: The Birth & early days with Blaise Ignatius

I want to share a series of mini reflections on postpartum life–or, what’s really going on behind all those cute baby milestone photos we love to smile at. Sometimes it’s hard to peel back the layers–to let others in to this truly intense, often emotional, exhausting, time–it can feel that we’re in the eye of a hurricane–quiet but with huge forces of change all around us.

The reality of postpartum is that of a truly transforming existence for mother and child; as they learn to be apart (after the womb life), and learn to be together, in new ways, and in the world. Each week is unique and oh-so-meaningful, and I know, for myself, I want to remember all of it.

I truly believe that postpartum is a time when both baby and momma are meant to thrive. This has been my mission in coaching many women over the past years, and having this focus myself has helped me tremendously in the past years when #postpartumlife was my ever-present reality.

I’m immensely grateful for my tribe of mommas over in the FB postpartum community; they have been incredible in this phase, and I know if you’re not in there already, you’ll be very welcome indeed–whether you’re about to have a baby, or had a baby 6 years ago…

I’m finally ready to write and process some of the beautiful incredible things that made up the first weeks of postpartum life with Blaise. I know this will be part one of a series, because postpartum life is far from over–but there’s something so incredible, so special about the first 40 days, or 6 weeks, when momma is resting and healing and taking time to focus on bonding with babe…and then, the several weeks following that which are a process of unpacking and beginning to take strides to a new normal–new daily rhythms that work well for all–we’re perhaps just now beginning to find these.

Knowing (as this is my 4th) that this phase is both beautiful, intense and oh-so-short…but that postpartum life is more of a marathon not a sprint I wanted to honor and deeply dive into the first 40 days, soaking it all up with intention rather than having it pass like a blur.

*To the first time momma: it’s impossible to have perspective. I remember so clearly wondering: will I ever sleep again? Will my body ever feel normal again? Will this little human being ever stop needing me so much? The answer to all of these is yes, but in the midst of it all you struggle to feel that anything is as it should be*

NOW, knowing what I know, I decided to just truly bask in the first few weeks, to document everything (sooo many pics of the 4th child, he can’t hold that over us)…and to be still, to be offline much of the time, when I needed a mental break, to be quiet with these changes, to watch my family accept and welcome this new life, and to let the big ripples of this major life change, turn into smaller and smaller ripples as everyone breathes and leans into it, and grows. There is plenty of time to start exercising, to be “productive”, to do errands with baby (spoiled me, I didn’t set foot in a grocery store for 6 weeks around Blaise’ birth), and to look the part. (Yes, I do love new clothes in postpartum, but not because there’s a certain goal size waistline or pressure to bounce back).

There’s no going “back” We’re only going forward to new, better levels of ourselves.

Mother fills a distinct role during this time. She needs to be supported to focus on that; her own healing and re-balancing/recovery as a primary need, and with this, the ability to nourish her child as she nourishes and strengthens herself. Anyone who’s been through it can tell you the deep vulnerability and fragility that is felt, and why it’s crucial that she has a strong and supportive community around her, so she can keep her nervous system at peace.

The realization that postpartum life needs to be paced (and this is just my first post in a series, because there are many distinct phases & topics of postpartum)…is something that’s come to me over the years, and helped inspire a group of us to come together to take back conversations about postpartum life, just how different moms’ needs, goals and habits should be during that period, and to honor it as a time to thrive. This requires a tremendous family and community support to do well–mom must be allowed to re-focus her precious energies without guilt.

A short (mini) birth story

Yes, all postpartum experiences begin with the birth. This wasn’t meant to be the focus of this post/series, but I will share a bit about this beautiful birth experience we had with Blaise.

We waited 10 long days from Blaise’ due date to when he was ready to arrive. My patience grows thin during those times, and it becomes harder to care for the kids and do everything as my body preps for birth. I’m no stranger to post-date babies, but this time, with my hypno-birthing meditations each night, I was able to get perspective and embrace/welcome the natural process of things even as my overly planning/impatient mind couldn’t compute it all sometimes. I called on all the help for school pickups, etc, and rested alot, nested more, and stayed in during some of the coldest days of the winter.

The midwives finally did encourage me (when I was mentally done–and spent the morning both crying/swaying on the birthing ball, and bouncing on my kids trampoline!) that it was time to try castor oil. We did that on a thursday morning (Jan 24th) and my husband stayed home from work, and we arranged to go to the hospital by that evening, no matter where things were, because we knew we didn’t want it dragging on. The castor oil was a totally positive experience for me, not at all icky or hard to manage (I snacked alot and drank tons of hydrate/elecytrolytes)…the contractions were consistent all day, not picking up in pace, but remaining, and when we left the kids peacefully and went in to the hospital and met the midwives and team, I was 3cm along, and contracting well but they were ready to get me into a better pattern and prepare to break my water. I was given a little bit of Pit, and then once my water broke, things progressed quickly. I used my hypnobirthing meditations and then went into the tub to labor once a few contractions felt stronger than I was managing well. Once in the tub, I was only there 5 minutes before I told Joel–I need to get out and push. This was 1.5 hours into my active labor. He was used to two over 24 hour labors (Corinne and Ambrose) so he was seriously skeptical, and tried to convince me to stay in the tub just a bit longer, but somehow husbands wisely know not to argue with their laboring wife…sure enough, I was on the table and pushed Blaise out in 3 pushes, before they had time to even finish wheeling in all the materials, and the midwives laughed at me as I held my 9lb 7oz babe with the biggest grin on my face. He spent so little time in the birth canal and I felt AMAZING as soon as he was out. Such a dream labor and delivery–beyond anything I could have hoped for (though I had been visualizing my perfect birth for weeks, so maybe it’s not a coincidence).

Last pregnant picture–this is it!

Born right after 2am January 25th, our little perfect chunky gift of a baby, to start out 2019 with a bang.

I LOVE the hospital for their “baby friendly” policies and he didn’t leave my room once as we recovered. I had the kids visit and then was ready to go home with my parents who drove up the following day. Getting away from it all and being in a different (short) bubble helps me focus in on the important bonding and early postpartum moments, before life, home and kids come rushing at me. Grateful for the right place to make that transition, and wonderful, wise caregivers.

We loved introducing him to the siblings. He was an immediate hit, and slept through all their pokes, snuggles and “kisses”–for weeks, literally 😉

Intentional & restful postpartum

As I talked about before his birth, I had found myself rushing through the other postpartums with the other kids–if I felt great physically, I would push myself too early, take on too much (or travel alot, etc) and end up frazzled and mentally fried. Even if my body could handle it, it was taking a toll on my nervous system, and felt like more of a blur.

This time around, I RESTED. So much. Way more than is normal for me. I don’t consider myself a very restful person 😉 And it was good.

I napped every day for the first 4 weeks–during the first 2, it was hugely important and I craved that break; my mom would drive Ambrose to pick up the girls from school and I would curl up with Blaise and get at least an hour of lying flat rest. The rest of the time I was totally curled up on the couch with meals being brought to me, teas, broths, I literally didn’t cook a single meal or unload my dishwasher for the first 2 weeks. SO so grateful for my mom stepping in and doing everything. The kids loved it, Joel and I even got out on some date nights when my parents were around the first few weekends, and life felt so different and hugely calm, and like a little bubble of love surrounding us, and it was just perfect. The cold evenings we all hung out by our fire, and took turns cuddling this chub. I had imagined it would be fun to hibernate with a baby, and it has suited me so well (ie, needing a major excuse to stay in and enjoy it, rather than itching to get out, and being stir crazy in winter).

I had a no visitor policy for the first 2 weeks (anyone I would have to get dressed to welcome;)). This was challenging only in a few moments with folks wanting to come by, but they did understand, and it gave me permission to focus entirely on babe, nourishing and resting. I’m an extrovert and love hosting, but I like to have things tidy and at a certain level, so this way, the focus was entirely on my own kiddos and those directly supporting. Having family around to socialize with was wonderful—I could chat as long as I had energy, and hide upstairs when I was done (and know that the kids were in the best of hands).

I will look back on and treasure those moments for a long time—I could feel my body recovering well each day, and while I often am high energy and motivated to do things by day 4-5 postpartum, it’s not that wise for me (and I would regret it) so this time I just did less than I thought I could, and was able to get my sleep into good patterns, my hormones and stress levels were balancing, I held baby all the time, whenever I wanted to, and I didn’t experience any deep exhaustion that way; it made it all more balanced and joyful. I didn’t do anything around the house or much kid management at all–since Joel and my mom were both eager to help with that. I did fold some laundry but that’s because I enjoy doing it and insisted 😉 My mom staying here was a huge gift, and having others doing driving of the kids to and from school, etc, made my restful routines at home possible.

As anyone who’s met him will tell you, Blaise is just a chill, fun kid. He’s the dream baby (that I’ve earned:)) who sleeps like a king…and his little lazy self, just drifting into naps whenever he felt like it–on me or anyone holding him, has been inspiring me in a big way, to take my commitment to sleep/napping more seriously. We could all use a little more lazy Blaisey in our life, right?

Postpartum as a time of transformation

I really embraced this experience of postpartum as a cocoon metaphor; we were in an intense and brief period of transformation, and to do so well, we needed to be away from it all//resting//welcoming support in all forms, and really just being quiet and present to the transformation. I journaled (as I always do) daily, and found that to be a hugely beneficial way to process all that I was experiencing and feeling—not always wanting to talk it out, but mothers always have things that need to be processed, and the right supportive helping team provides this for her too. This quiet/inner work went well with the natural hibernating patterns of Jan/Feb up here, and I knew that soon enough, right about when the warm weather came, we’d be ready for adventures, but to enjoy this brief moment fully–not rushing any bit of it.

When possible, I enjoyed moments of getting dressed and getting out—new moms need this too! Staying in pjs all the time is a recipe for losing sanity a bit ;)—but always followed it up with a nap, and we never tried any crazy outings without extra hands to wrangle the toddler–for the first 4 weeks, to make it enjoyable for all.

This level of rest & welcoming help was huge for me, and of course all my nutrition tools–which I’ve had for the past 2 recoveries which made them so good. You can’t underestimate the effects of post-natal depletion–it’s real, and it’s not good. Our bodies have given SO much to create and birth these human beings, and we have to give time and high quality nourishment and rest to re-balance and come out stronger on the other side. It’s possible, but it takes some serious effort and focus. Energized postpartum starts with a strong baseline for the mother, who’s both nourishing/re-balancing herself and giving alot through feeding her baby.

(to check out these tools for your personalized needs, start here—or message me for a quick health consult if you’re in postpartum).

Having been no stranger to some signs of adrenal fatigue in prior postpartums, I can tell you that it’s something that you can’t mess with–pushing to the edge of your physical or mental capacity. Both you and baby need you at your best, so take that extra time and care. That’s been our focus and why we set things up the way we did for this period of time, and especially since I was so clear that I wanted to come out of this postpartum mentally strong and able to exercise (I have a spring race in the calendar), and ready for some exciting things on the business front…so the more rest and rebuilding that I allowed myself in the first 40 days, the more I could be present and ready for the beautiful next phases as they came.

Some other tools in my toolkit for thriving postpartum:

*The Early reclaim program by every mother. It helped me resolve my diastisis in pregnancy and provided an amazing baseline for core recovery and gentle movement in the first 6 weeks.

*Reflexology; I’m a huge fan of Pippa and I had a session right at the end of my 40 day quiet period, to re-balance my nervous system, energy levels and hormones. Such a gift to find someone who truly knows how the body is meant to heal and re-balance itself. I highly recommend this for postpartum if you haven’t tried, and want an optimal recovery.

*Pelvic & core PT: this has become my go-to for staying active/being an athlete and having babies. Melissa is a wonder worker and I went to her at 3 weeks pp, and schedule to go every 3-4 weeks up through my first running races and getting fully back to a new, better level of fitness. Every mother needs this in their life after birth.

As you may know, I’m a huge fan of the book “The first 40 days, the art of nourishing the new mother“–it completely changed my perspective on postpartum life when I read it after Ambrose, and I embraced many of the healing foods of the book this time around, especially broths and all the focus on hormone-balancing foods and snacks, and they helped me so much.

My dream postpartum breakfast: steaming bone broth with a heaping helping of local ice-cream topped with local granola.
Breakfasts cooked every day for me for weeks–a true gift, and so that I could focus on serving breakfast to Blaise:)

I also experienced it as a time of clarity about what mattered—-it’s humbling and beautiful to strip life down to the most essentials, not leaving the house, not cooking meals, barely moving from the couch, and reflecting on–what do I want to add back in to my life? Of course laundry and carpooling are non-negotiables (though outsourcing is wise and I’ll reflect more on that in future posts)…but I mean, beyond, what do we want life to look like? How can we create a new balance that includes this new human beautifully and well? I’m so grateful I was able to lean into these reflections and really consider it all without stress or apprehension. It was instead a perfect moment of “creating space”–the term I focus a lot on in coaching and in my new life design course–that of being willing to add blank space to our schedule—letting go of being busy and instead being free to welcome the memorable, surprising, beautiful elements of life that can sneak up on us when we make room in our planners & hearts.

My 3 words for the year of 2019: First is integration–focused on integrating well as a family of 6, and integrating new routines, etc with baby as a focal point. Another word is intention…and living with the highest level of purposefulness that we can. Life with an infant brings this into sharp focus. My 3rd word for 2019 is impact–and already we’ve shifted things to make this possible in new, smarter ways. Blaise is a huge part of the expanded vision and focus I have, and it’s so exciting to know that family goals can accompany our larger life vision. These weeks really allowed us to delve into these themes and make them real in so many ways.

Thank you for taking time to share in this beautiful, unforgettable chapter of life with us. All the lovely notes, gifts, meals brought, helping hands and beautiful reach-outs just made it all the more special as we enjoyed welcoming and falling in love with our new guy.

The series will continue with posts on topics like: postpartum fitness (lots to say there, as I’m smack in the midst of it all), postpartum and work, postpartum & mental health, and much more. If you have topics you’d like to see discussed–reach out and email me. It’s so important to me to emphasize the beautiful layers of postpartum, and to build a culture that helps moms and babies thrive during this time.

If you’re not on my email list yet–you can hop on at the top of the page to catch the rest of the series in the coming weeks.

And here’s some other related posts:

And our postpartum community where many of these discussions happen in real time with other amazing mommas.

Date Oat Bars w/superfood Maca

These are simple, scrumptious and pack a wonderful nutrient punch. I’m always looking for that balance of sweet without added sugar, and a snack that both myself and my kids can enjoy! These are gluten free, and are sweetened with dates and some honey–(or can use agave if you want them to be vegan)…and the dates and oats provide a perfect hearty yet soft texture. You can bake the oats (optional) but the bars are no bake which also makes them a win in my camp. I made a double batch this weekend and it will hopefully last us through the week–for breakfasts for the school girls, snacking moments before workouts for me, and on-the-go snacking for my toddler. Wins all around, right?

So, about this superfood…Maca. It’s something that’s come into my kitchen (and awareness) only recently, and I love it for postpartum health, because it’s known to balance hormones, especially estrogen, and provide energy, vitality and clear-headedness. All things that mommas need, right?

Here’s a cool article about it if you’re new to the Maca trend.

The dates are another wonderful food for promoting a balanced and positive mood, and the oats are known for balancing and promoting healthy lactation.

Here’s the recipe! When you make these, comment below what you think of them, and where you ate them–ie, everywhere!:)

  • 1 heaping cup packed dates, pitted (deglet noor or medjool)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup or agave nectar (or honey if not vegan)
  • 1/4 cup creamy salted natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats (gluten-free for GF eaters)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon Maca powder
  • 2 scoops chocolate Shaklee life shake (vegan).
  • optional additions: coconut flakes, chopped almonds, chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, banana chips, vanilla, etc.
  1. Process dates in a food processor until small bits remain (about 1 minute). It should form a “dough” like consistency. You can add water to dates if you’re having trouble getting them to blend/process well.
  2. Optional step: Toast your oats (and almonds if raw) in a 350-degree F (176 C) oven for 10-15 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
  3. Place oats, protein, maca and dates in a large mixing bowl – set aside.
  4. Warm honey and peanut butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir and pour over oat mixture and then mix, breaking up the dates to disperse throughout.
  5. Once thoroughly mixed, transfer to an 8×8-inch baking dish or other small pan lined with plastic wrap or parchment paper so they lift out easily.
  6. Press down firmly until uniformly flattened – I use something flat, like a drinking glass, to press down and really pack the bars, which helps them hold together better.
  7. Cover with parchment or plastic wrap, and let firm up in fridge or freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Remove bars from pan and chop into 10 even bars (or 9 squares). Store in an airtight container for up to a few days.

Cheers! I dare you to have just one…

…no guilt snacking since they are so darn good for you. #intuitiveeating

Adapted from this recipe over at Minimalist Baker; doesn’t include the Maca or Life shake.