Summer #loveyourlife challenge winner–because health is more than just what’s on the outside

In July, we launched and shared about a summer #loveyourlife challenge, focusing on good habits, intentional eating, a 7 day cleanse, and the habits of daily strip and shake, along with adding in more exercise, so that we could feel good and make strides towards our health goals in a season when most folks are just aiming for laying on the beach, BBQs, and a laid back approach to sleep and good routines.

Well, out of our VIP community, it was hard to select a winner, because everyone was motivated and making major strides towards their best life. These changes we make with proper care for, love and balance within our bodies and daily habits, make major ripples into the rest of life.

One amazing lady, Kendal, began the challenge in a tough spot. She knew she needed it, but was unsure when she would have time in her full days, as a mom of 2 and running an in-home daycare, caring for alot of people (which she excels at!) leaves her little time for herself. But for the first 3 weeks of the challenge, she hit the gym every day for anywhere from 1-2 hours! And with this commitment, and her health tools of the daily shakes, she began to see amazing transformations. She told me she was doing this to not only help with her mood, to bring herself to a healthy weight, but also for her mindset, her overall energy, and at the end of a month, she found herself no longer needing one of her medications!!

She went from 220 to 207 in just 3 weeks time, and she told me that she’s just getting started!!

In addition, the things that many of us might take for granted, like hopping on a treadmill to run a mile or two, is not something that everyone can automatically do. With a history of severe RA (Rheumatoid arthritis), even the simple act of being able to run on a treadmill without pain and without her joints giving way, was a huge cause of celebration!! Talk about warrior status.

“How many of my friends have health problems that have claimed to your soul? Health problems that affect you in every way every day. When I started this challenge my first goal was to be able to run on a treadmill. Yeah I know what your thinking. “ everyone can run on a treadmill” well not everybody can. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my SI joint at the age of 24 some days it has left me crippled. Some days I feel like nothing has ever been wrong. Until I stepped a certain way or bend a certain way pick up things. This is something I will have to fight for the rest of my life. But….. I am ok with that!! 💪 I have found the most amazing support system. That has helped me in so many ways.i know my time is weak but I hit my goal the more I try the bettering get!! #ididit!!!! #Challengecomplete

(This is not construed as medical advice to change or drop medications, it’s just a story of what worked for one person)

And of course, with new fitness routines, comes new levels of soreness. Kendal started doing epsom salt baths, stretching, and taking the PM recovery complex, and saw improvements right away that motivated her to keep up with her newfound gym routine.

Precisely these moments that we find ourselves in, test us at our core. We discover what motivates us, and what we’re truly capable of.

Not only is she celebrating a lighter life, and how good she feels with the weight coming off (and she’s not stopping now!) but more importantly, for many of us, healthy weight is tied to so many other markers of a better life–less joint pain, less foggy-headed or headaches, more energy and better mood. These are JUST as important as the scale victories, and make the journey all the sweeter, as we learn about ourselves; just what we have inside to give when we dig deep, and additionally, creating habits and positive momentum so that it’s possible to deeply #loveyourlife.

Kendal West is a truly heroic woman, and someone I’m so lucky to call my friend. She is the proud winner of this challenge, and her attitude when she got the news says it all–“I want to share and tell everyone about this, and how good they can feel”

When you have excepted a challenge, that could forever change your life, not knowing what’s going to come of your goals, not knowing if you are going to find the time to make things happen, you have to want it but most importantly need it. don’t start off with a huge goal start small and work your way up to those top 5 goals. #challengesmashed 🏋️‍♀️💪🧘‍♀️

She is continuing her journey with the #proveitchallenge kit, which involves a 7 day cleanse, and 30 days of strips and shakes, to be at her best. When I last spoke with her, she was down another 3 lbs, and really, really happy with all the changes that she’s created in her life.

Congrats, Kendal. Thank you for sharing the details of your #loveyourlife journey with us. We know that the best is yet to come for you, and your sweet family!

Ready for your own transformation? Whatever your goals, this is the moment!

Grab your #proveitchallenge kit here, and join our fall reset!