Importance of Stretching practices in a balanced life

This image is very appropriate here: as I had just sustained a minor foot injury  (Sept 2017) that was nagging me, and that led me to reflexology treatments, and a full re-balancing of the body, and new insights/experiences into how our body is designed to function and heal itself continually!

Brendon Burchard (you’ll hear me reference him alot, his work has had a big impact on me), in his High Performance Habits book, talks about the importance of daily mindful movement for optimal thriving and functioning at our best selves. He talks about daily walks for boosting brain function/clarity (runs work for this too—you know those aha moments and piercing insights or clarity you have when doing walks or runs? We can and should build this into our everyday, for optimal mind-body function).

And he also talks about daily stretching, and how in the high performers he studies, all of them at the top levels of performance are working out or being active 5 times a week–much more than the average population—a nice correlation to performance that I can get behind–as a health coach and athlete. I know it helps my mood, my mothering, my self-image, focus and so much more when I’m regularly exercising. It’s a no-brainer to make time for it.

I was intrigued that he brought up stretching, specifically, but it very much fits with his peak performance mind/body connection emphasis, and the idea that when energy is “stuck” or we’re tight in our bodies, we can daily bring awareness to that, release it, and move forward more effectively, rather than staying with the same patterns of behavior, thinking or “stuckness”.

This REALLY rings true with my experience with the benefits of reflexology, essentially using the body’s maps on our feet (and face) to become aware of where things are stuck/need healing, and promoting that process through our own healing work.

(More on my life-changing reflexology experiences in another post, in any case, many of these things came together for me and I wanted to share them in case it supports your overall philosophy and decision to bring more low-impact and mindful movement into your day).

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness”

More on Stress Relieving practices and tips in an upcoming post on Adrenal Fatigue. It’s amazing how connected all of this is, for whole-being health which is what we’re after.

Stay tuned, and hop on my email list (at top) to be sure we can keep having these important conversations!

Summer self care…2018 edition

Summer Self Care — 2018 Edition

“You can optimize your overall energy quotient in life if you choose to. And perhaps this is our ultimate duty since our vibrancy ultimately dictates how we work, love, move, worship, relate and lead…Make improving your energy a commitment…Choose to bring joy to your everyday life experience.”

-Brendon Burchard

from his chapter “Generate Energy” in High Performance Habits.

Friends. This topic is quite close to my heart. I have, from 6 years ago, gone from being someone who really had no familiarity with concepts of self-care, or if pressed, might have said “that sounds selfish,” or “I’m too stressed/busy/hustling to care about all of that”…to being a huge advocate for it.

Rightly understood, self-care is proper management of our natural resources: making sure we have energy, mental stamina and proper personal resources to undertake and do well the things that are our callings, our daily work. It’s about being aware of what we need to do to be our best, and then doing it, daily. We mostly realize when it’s lacking and we head towards the cliff of “burnout” whether in a career setting, or as a mom who’s stretched too thin, or in having frayed relationships, feeling stuck, unable to keep up the current pace, depression, exhaustion—it’s a bleak but very real list.

Been there.

I let myself get there when I had one little beautiful sweetheart (Emma was 1 ½ years old) and a very demanding career. I struggled in the tension between being the kind of mother I wanted to be, and being all-in for my work, which kept me on urgent deadlines at all hours, and enduring long commutes the 3 days a week that I went into the office.

I was taking on more than I could handle and felt myself splitting apart, but didn’t know how to say NO, or where, or how to make life re-balance. I certainly wasn’t saying “yes” to the kind of strong personal habits that are needed when life is crazy busy. Getting by on caffeine and a prayer only lasts for so long….

Well, God allowed some big things to change, fast, to wake me up to the reality that things needed to change, for our family. And it had to start with me.

That story has been told more fully elsewhere, and it’s on the about page of this site because it’s the true seed of hope and energy that led to this work and this humble online home.

I had to start from square one with managing my stress levels, taking care of my health, learning about what filled me up and made me happy, taking time for myself without feeling guilty when it might be time away from my little one/ones…I’m proud to be a continued work in progress.

Fast forward to last summer, 2017. I had 3 happy and busy kids under 7.  Ambrose was 7 months old when we did a big move, and then it was summertime and I was knee-deep in postpartum life, in trying to create new household rhythms that worked, keeping him on a great napping schedule (thank God, but how to keep the toddler sister out of his room?) and 2 fun amazing busy little ladies who were bottomless pits of summer fun and begging for crafts, swimming, playdates, all of it.

Needless to say, I began to be stretched a little thin. I realized, that even with my strong habits of self care, sometimes the summer months can just demand more of us: kids stay up later, we might try to fill the days full, or depending on what you do, different kid’s schedules, more work travel perhaps, or more social engagements and weekend travel. What starts as fun “sleeping in, no routines, let’s play all day or do summer stuff!” turns into endless hours of un-managed and therefore sometimes challenging time. The question at the end of it all is whether you feel recharged, rested and fulfilled.

And that’s when I learned that summer is a great time to try out new habits—to see what supports you best.

5:30am workouts to get out of the house and sweat long before the kids are awake? Worth a try as the sun rises. Evening walks as a family, or alone? Weekend routines shifted to prioritize different healthy habits? The time is there.

And because travel throws fun mayhem into schedules, it’s wonderful to challenge yourself to find and stick with simple habits that support your mental, physical, spiritual health, that are also flexible to work with a vacation or varied schedule. That could be as simple as keeping yourself energized and at your best with your on-the-go supplement routine (my go-to for travels), a daily kombucha, healthy snacks, etc.

Whatever it is that you’re up to, I’m sure your summer is a departure from routines, and sometimes that can leave us lacking in the basics of: regular exercise, eating well (does sangria count as a fruit serving?🤣), and getting appropriate down-time and moments to truly recharge. (You know when folks complain about needing a vacation after vacation? What’s that about…? Could it be poor planning or not being clear on how best to spend those hours of vacay?).

So, what can we do to create strong, positive and appropriate summer self-care routines?

To start with, it’s good to look at the overall goals, priorities and daily schedule that would be ideal for you. Who needs you at your best (besides you!) and how do you create that? How do you use the days well, when the hours can be so fluid? What should we say NO to, as well as what do we say YES to?

Perhaps it’s getting up earlier, with the sun, for a walk or workout. Perhaps it’s actually getting to some of those books on your reading list from January, the ones from New Year’s resolution “read more” season. Perhaps it’s about intentional social time, more mindful (seasonal) shopping and eating, or any number of things that you know will help bring more balance and joy to your every day.

I asked a wonderful group of holistic minded and wise mommas to speak up about their thoughts on good summer self care habits. Yes, these are geared to motherhood but I think the kernels of them apply well to all walks of life. Moms/parents might just need/get an extra intense dose of self-care to go along with summer parenting, along with a side of stress relief.

These mommas spoke about:

*Daily walks. With or without babies/kids especially in the morning hours (makes sense, as it sets our mental and physical energy for the day to get out and move).

*Intentional social time. With longer days and more open schedules, it can be easier sometimes to coordinate park play dates, pool gatherings, BBQs, cocktail nights, or beach/lake hangouts (can you tell what my priorities are?:).

These can be truly rejuvenating in so many ways. But, they can also be wearing in large amounts//no time limits (what am I saying, recovering extrovert that I am?) so be wise about scheduling 1-2 big socials thing per day, and perhaps build in recharge time in between.

*Rest/quiet. Another wonderful recurring theme that reinforced what I have come to realize my little tribe needs: siesta hour. In the hottest part of the day, slow the pace, be indoors or someplace cool, reading, napping, resting, quiet. In my opinion we should embrace siestas as a cultural norm, and just let people go home/relax/power nap/read/change their pace. As all the research pours in, those down times and key rest moments make us MORE productive when we’re working and better focused in going about our life.

Here’s an example of what my ideal Siesta time looks like:

Easy and delicious salad (from a whole foods kit, no guilt when you’re busy). Girls are currently resting/reading/approved screen time…and Ambrose is napping. I’m reading something that is supportive to my overall life (High Performance Habits). Fun/free reading like novels are great too, I just tend to save those for evening when I’m winding down in bed. OK, and sometimes I power nap too, leaving dishes and laundry for other appropriate moments of the day–this is about recharging by body, mind and spirit so I can mother well the rest of the afternoon.

What are the habits that make your summer days wonderful, restful and meaningful? I hope you’ll take a moment to share in the comments so that others can be encouraged and inspired. Some of the best of these we can take with us into the fall.

Here are a few more that have served me well—I add to the list often because you can’t have too many good habits, right?

*Books that expand your personal vision and help develop certain parts of you—this is the time to expand, explore, imagine what a life could look like where you’re even more content and happy—check out this list for starters and share your favorite summer inspiration reads!

I like this as a battle cry for summer, as well as wonderful late August reading.

*Embracing local eating. Just the very process of heading to a farmers’ market, or a local farmstand, or wherever you’ll get those seasonal fruits and veggies is so exhilarating (ok, just me?) and makes our bodies hum at another level! Even if it’s seeking out farm-to-table dining when eating out. It’s so rewarding to experience the richest tastes and flavors of your local season. We did our own garden for the 2nd year in a row, and that was a game changer for me—garden care became self-care in a way as we adjusted to, appreciated and worked with the rhythms of growing things, that would then ultimately land on our table. (Our garden process is getting its own post very soon.) Let me know below if you find seasonal eating supports your overall vibrancy and rhythms.

*Quiet/reflection time in power spots and nature. I love having a beautiful spot connected to nature (this year I hauled the porch furniture out to be in the grass with yard views all around and grass between my toes). Once a day if possible, head to this spot—a blanket in nature? A hike? A local beach or lake?—See if you can unplug and soak up the beauty and the tranquility that’s offered. It’s actually become a known game changer in the struggle against anxiety that we’re facing as life gets faster and faster as a culture. This article shares a powerful take on that “call to nature” we all feel and are ready to respond to.

*Unplug. Yes, this is a tough one at times but so crucial for our mental habits! It could be a screen free day each week, or just building in stricter time limits for yourself. I developed better night time habits very intentionally early in the summer: airplane mode after 10pm (latest, sometimes earlier), no phone in the bedroom which can lead to endless scrolling and connecting at all hours. In the morning, do some meaningful, productive and positive things (see miracle morning post from last summer here) before getting onto social media and email.

Turns out this is more than just self-care—these are habits for ideal performance, and mental thriving.

*More sleep. Another great one that is looked down on in our “hustle more”/workaholic society—-give yourself permission, guilt free, to get an extra hour of sleep during the summer nights…you may be amazed what a difference it makes, and how energized you feel when waking up with the sun, after a full night sleep. Research shows just how bad the sleep deprivation has become in our society—we’re all able to reverse that in our own lives—and create a ripple effect of rested, happier, people. Have you tried this?

Brendon Burchard really challenged me on this front in his book High Performance Habits, and since working on getting into bed earlier to read and wind down, I’ve experienced incredible improvements in sleep quality, enjoyment of my evening reading (because I’m not on the brink of exhaustion when I start), and incredible morning energy when rising with the light/sunshine. Is it possible this sworn night owl is fully transforming into a morning person? It remains to be seen, but it’s been a fun transition for the season and I love how things have shifted for me in terms of morning routines as well.

Even on days you can’t sleep more, this simple restorative yoga posture will reset your circadian rhythms and is the equivalent of a 2 hour nap for your nervous system–I often end up in this posture in my son’s bedroom while he falls asleep peacefully in his crib–it’s a moment to meditate, reflect with gratitude on the day, etc. Sometimes, self-care is snuck into the most normal of moments, and that’s what makes it a effective and life-changing.

*Detox bath or shower. Sometimes, as a parent, the idea of being left alone for 20 minutes is just blissful. Heck, for any of us who are bombarded with communication 24/7. So leave the phone aside, grab a book, and take a epsom salt bath (or herbal steam shower—no book obvs) in the evenings (add baking soda if you’re wanting to detox well from the radiation exposure that happens on flights—it’s a real thing and my husband’s cool client is to be credited for turning us onto it)…throw in some lavender, orange or other calming essential oils, and you’re sure to be in a different mental/emotional state when you finish.

*Schedule things that make you happy—at least once a week. It doesn’t have to be just a trip to the salon (those are always great!)—but find the things that really light you up, make a list, and make them happen. For me, it’s exploring new places/towns with my kids, or sitting in new settings (coffee shops, book stores), running, coffee with a friend…whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be a caribbean vacation for it to totally change your perspective on life and the week. Anticipating these can be almost half the enjoyment! Evening yoga classes are one such juicy treat for me—when I get to do mindful movement and relinquish one dinner/bath/bedtime…it’s the little things, right?

And for those who aren’t parents—-just take an evening out of your normal routine and you’ll be amazed at how fun it is. Picnic in the park with a concert, evening walk, it’s all available to us.

As I was reflecting on and working on this article (trying to really live it myself this summer, in the midst of travels, full weeks and more)…I came to connect with another awesome current read—the classic book on FLOW—this idea of a flow state. It’s something desirable that we’re all eager to connect with, and we feel it’s linked to our happiness. Well, I believe that self-care habits that bring our vibrancy and joy up daily are a part of tapping into this flow—whether in work, vocation, parenting, living. Here’s a fun quote that may get you thinking, and I encourage you to check out the book as well!

“How we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depends directly on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experience. Whether we are happy depends on inner harmony, not on the controls we are able to exert over the great forces of the universe…”

-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, FLOW “The psychology of optimal experience”

And to this end, the way in which we’re able to create valuable self-care habits—can change and improve our experiences of our lives, our relationships, the ways we’re called to share our talents and serve, the purpose of existence, and more, all from starting with what we’re given—the energy and ability to design our days. It’s a hint of that Flow state that is so desirable, when we understand that happiness comes from being connected to a larger purpose and energy, rather than any singular experience or material good.

Does this all fit well together for you? Or bring up important questions?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts, as we all explore these topics together—the philosophy behind why it matters, and the practical habits that make our days flow.

Stay tuned for a super fun #septemberselfcare challenge we’re launching for all of you!

Click above (top of page) to join my email list so you don’t miss the announcements…and contact me below if you want to consider a 20 min free health & self-care assessment with yours truly, as we head into a new season…or take this quick health quiz here and we’ll connect about your goals and personalized quiz results!

I live in gratitude for you and the examples you set for me. Self-care is not selfish, it’s how we give our best. Radical self-care for radical service is a motto that came to me a few years back and just suits how I’ve come to understand this topic. Just ask Mother Teresa why in her daily schedule for her sisters, she builds in ample moments for their meals, their prayer, their midday rest in addition to their hours out caring for the poor and sick. That’s a beautiful example to follow, and I’m challenged daily to find that proper rhythm for myself…so everyone in my life can also benefit.



Spring Lifestyle upgrade—cleaning up health, home and skin!

Well I don’t know about you all, but we’re finally getting spring weather here in CT!! As soon as the weather gets above 60 and the sun is shining–I get two strong and conflicting desires—one to purge, organize and deep clean everything in the house…and the other to get out, lay on a blanket in the sun, play badminton with the kids, and generally just forget about chores for a bit.

I’ve been in the second mode for this weekend, and Earth day was a perfect and glorious day, reminding us of just how lucky we are to have green space and a little patch of earth to love, care for, and to be nourished by in so many ways.

What’s your favorite part about spring? Are you a clean first, play later type? Or a balance of the two?

I think the spring wardrobes and bare toes in the grass might be up there as my fav…oh, and the seasonal fruits and veggies coming back in–locally! We’re in a flurry to plant our garden quickly from last frost to summer–it’s gonna feel like a shorter season, but last year we moved in and planted in late May and it ended up working out well. Share what you’re enjoying about your cleaning and spring refresh!

I love to look at all my habits and hit the refresh button–from exercise, to making the lighter mornings count, to getting rid of winter clutter and even mindsets that aren’t serving me any more. I LOVE that we can use this lifestyle brand to CLEAN up many of the aspects of home, health, and skin…not to mention mindset and business with fresh perspective and goals! Wondering what to do with that nice tax refund? Invest in all areas of your life AND earn a check/write off your product bundle through the success packs–these are the biggest discounts on getting connected with non-toxic lifestyle tools at once–cleaner skin, cleaner homes, and cleaner health, through the supplements and the healthy cleanse kit!

Currently, through April 30th, the get clean kit includes FREE Shipping (Up to $20 value!) And they will be planting a tree in your honor; 1 tree, 1 kit. I love that. I replaced everything in my home with these cleaners 6 years ago, and we’ve never looked back! Been breathing easier, letting the kids help us clean (yay!) and more. You can find a whole article on this topic here.

What an amazing way to welcome spring!

And then I’ve read articles pointing to something I’ve instinctively understood/learned–that tidying up your kitchen and organizing it better can help with weight loss or health goals. (I’ll post link below).

And certainly finding ways to be more intentional and organized bring a peace and underlying rhythm to a season that starts to get very busy with events, etc. I know alot of people like to do a spring cleanse and to refresh their energy and habits. Consider that a seasonal gift to yourself; our bodies naturally hold on to weight in the winter months, especially cold weather climes, and it’s great to be able to shift our metabolisms and reset energy levels just in time for spring!

We have a great group lined up to start with us next week–but if you happen to be reading this later on and want to jump in, we’ll have several groups in early to mid May, and can do a personalized cleanse experience for you as well-it’s all about what you need!

More on that in another post, but this really is a complete non-toxic lifestyle, and as budget allows if you start going through and cleaning up/replacing all the areas of life with these tools, you’ll be AMAZED at the difference. Do you think changing brands can change lives? It certainly can and we’ve seen it time and again in the people around us who commit to the aspect of long term use—-after all–even though we like the idea of a quick fix, we know the ultimate goal is a sustainable, balanced, intentional and totally toxin free lifestyle, and that’s what this brand provides.

So thrilled you’re on the journey with us! Happy spring from my family to yours!

Article mentioned above:

Tidying Up Around the House Could Help You Lose Weight

Why workout?

Dear friends,

It’s a true pleasure to connect with you this way, and I hope you’ll drop me a comment below with your thoughts about this very important subject for the end of January…What’s motivating you to keep going with fitness after the excitement of the new year dies down?

And then my 5 tips for getting into a workout routine…or back into one if the holidays and first weeks of the year threw everything off for you and you’re finally ready to hit the ground running!

I think that when we know WHY we’re doing something, it makes the HOW and the WHAT much easier to bring into focus. So this post has 2 parts…

First, Why do we workout?

And then secondly, once we’ve discovered that deep drive and motivation, how can we get ourselves to make the motivation into a habit, something we do day in and day out?

To start with WHY, we can ask ourselves–what kind of person am I seeking to become? And how does fitness fit into that goal?

My workout motivation stems from needing to be energized for my kids, to have mental focus for my life as both business owner and momma, to have a place to sweat and relieve stress, and a way to ensure I can be not only fitting into my pants, but growing in the strength that God desires for me. Funny story; my name means “Tower of strength”…Over time, it’s become more and more about gratitude, moving in gratitude for this body that is mine. 

(Please, it’s not supposed to be about fitting into the pants…but that’s for another post at another time.)

I was reflecting on this during my first bootcamp class in early January, when all of us were bemoaning our days off from our exercise routines, and the holiday indulgences were making us feel the burn.

But in this moment, in this workout, I discovered another, almost deeper motivation. I come to workout because I need the discipline. All of a sudden, I was faced with the fact that it’s hard. You want to stop doing the reps, your body is yelling–”no thanks, I’m good, let’s wrap up” and your mind is saying “10 more, 9 more…”.And in my life right now, I need to flex that muscle. Sometimes the balance of my life demands all that I’ve got (always blessed, but sometimes stretched). And the discipline is what makes the bridge between joy and productivity/patience for me.

I realized another current motivation that is very strong for me. At other moments in life, I’ve been the queen of home workouts for periods of time, because of baby nap schedule and just squeezing it in here or there. But in this exact season of my life, I’m motivated by the social aspect. I love the community I’ve found. I want to have friends texting me “see you at the gym” and to walk into a class knowing that I know not only the instructor but some of the others who are showing up week after week to give a better and better version of themselves to it. And I know that because my days can be very full, sometimes the discipline of just showing up, smiling at friends, means that the workout will happen, it’s scheduled and I can’t (well, less likely to!) just walk out of it once I’m there, and Ambrose is happily playing with buddies in the child room, etc. The faces, the people, committed to their own processes, pull me deeper into my journey. 

So, I ask you. Putting all of what I just shared aside. What’s your WHY for working out? What are your deeper reasons? Are they strong enough for you to commit to it and keep showing up for yourself?

If not, spend time with a journal and dig deeper. Of course there will always be excuses or reasons why this is not the season in life to prioritize this. I do get it. I’ve even had short seasons of life like that (a month when we were moving, for example). But in general, working out is such a fundamentally flexible thing to fit into a schedule–from 10min to 60 min workouts, 1 to 2 times per week, up to 7 times per week….that it’s good to look at what other things are taking precedence, and whether the energy and focus we get from working out might not indeed help us in those other areas of life…that we claim need all our attention.

Are you with me? What’s your Why for 2018? Are you bold enough to share below? I’m so curious. 

Now…let’s chat about the HOW.

How do we make starting up a new workout/fitness routine easy and fun? Or if you’re 3 weeks into a routine and starting to flag…how can you re-energize your commitment to it?

5 Tips for Starting or Reviving a Workout Routine

(Why do all my posts offer 5? Because it’s more than 2 and less than 10…there. solved.)

  1. Schedule it in. This is the one that’s most obvious, and yet most people don’t actually do it, and then wonder why the day goes by and the workout didn’t happen! Grab your planner–look at the week ahead, see what pockets of time you have, and decide not only that you will workout, but also select what type of workout you’ll do. A lunch hour could hold a yoga session down the street. An early morning timeslot might be for a walk or run. An evening session might be weights at the gym, or maybe there’s one zumba or pilates class that you plan around and make sure it happens because you like the class. If it’s in your schedule, there’s a much better chance you’ll show up and make it happen. I have to adjust workout plans based on my toddler’s nap schedule and the school schedule of my girls, but it’s a non-negotiable that there will be 3-5 workouts, it’s just a matter of when.
  2. Find a fitness buddy from your real life (or make a new friend at the gym!). Accountability is key, especially while the habit is forming. Do you have some friends who will work out with you? Great. If not, do you have a long distance friend who you know is also a runner and you can check in on each other to make sure you did your training runs? Do you have a fitness tracker/app or phone feature (clearly, happily clueless over here), and do you get accountability from that community? Whatever it is, get that buddy system going and watch how your commitment and motivation soars. I started chatting with some moms coming in and out of the childcare center at my gym. Now we have each others #s and we text and plan which classes we will go to. Our kids are becoming buddies too. I’m a lot more motivated thanks to that simple tool.
  3. Figure out what you enjoy doing, for your Mindful Movement. Some people are made to do yoga 6 days a week; they love it. Others, like me, would go on a run whenever possible. Still others say “I hate working out, but I love zumba”. Voila. If you love it, you’re much more likely to get excited, to show up, to talk it up and get other great people involved. It’s a ripple effect of a passion for healthy living.
  4. Arrange positive feelings around the experience. That could include–but is not limited to—get some brand new workout tops and outfits to get excited about putting them on and using at the gym. It totally changes my commitment to sweating when I have some of the right gear! Or give yourself a reward (preferably non-food), such as a chance to sit with tea and read the book you want to read—after your workout, of course. It’s all about re-training your mind and calendar to welcome and accept this as a fundamental part of your schedule. Do things need to be adjusted some times? Of course!
  5. Finally, set up a schedule with carved out rest, nap and stretch days. What I learned last year the hard way is that you can over-extend and really wear yourself down, even doing more than a couple hard workouts per week. It’s time to welcome and value the importance of balance and since this is a marathon not a sprint–in all ways–you want to make sure you’re pacing yourself day and week in and out, to allow these habits to energize and transform you, not burn you out. We don’t want to over-produce cortisol, it will be counterproductive to our goals.

And finally–check out some amazing workout nutrition tools–pre, during, post–yep, it’s all be thought out and designed…and with a clinical trial and 3rd party study or 2 to back them up with some nice nutritional science. Email me to find out how you can get your first fitness pack at 50% off! (

That’s it folks–1 or 2 deeper reasons WHY, some fresh new ideas to take your fitness plans from paper to reality. Let’s make 2018 a year of amazing fitness habits! When we feel better, we do better, and the promising new year and your life needs YOU at your best. And as I always like to remind myself, let’s enjoy the journey!


Love this graphic reminding us of all the non-scale benefits of working out.

My favorite 6 postpartum self-care tips & tricks

Last year, exactly 1 year ago, I was 2.5 weeks postpartum with my 3rd, and we were heading into the holiday season. I remember moments of total exhaustion and overwhelm amidst the joy and the happy busy preparations. We then went on into the new year to decide we wanted to move the family, and by the time my babe was 4 months we were showing our place to sell it, and looking for a new place, and moved when he was 7 months old.

Needless to say,  I had to get very serious about my self-care during this period of time of blessings, but also intensity, transition, and busyness. I have a few things that stood the test for me, and I wanted to share them for all my momma friends who are in the trenches, and in that beautiful period of post-partum, when caring for self is equivalent for caring for baby. This is true especially if breastfeeding, but no matter what, mother is everything, the baby’s whole world. That reality motivated me to continually ground myself, for my baby and my kids’ sake, as well as my own.

And if you’re feeling very very sad all the time, or completely overwhelmed or angry or a combination of intense emotions, don’t just brush it off as a need for self-care…talk to someone who can help you determine whether you have PPD or Anxiety and address it. There’s a good related article, self quiz & support team here at Seleni Institute, or speak with your health provider.

  1. Never underestimate the benefits of a good soak in epsom salts and lavendar after a long day. Not only does the magnesium calm the nervous system and prepare you for a restful night sleep, but the baths are good for aching muscles, and you’ll forget most of the cares of the day after you’ve soaked for 20 minutes, especially with tea, candles and a good book nearby. I like to get the lavender epsom salt blends, and you can add a few drops of your favorite calming essential oils too, as the bath runs.
  2. Get outside. Not only does it help with mood, but time in the sunshine will give you perspective on your time with baby at home, the fresh air will do you good (even in winter its great to bundle baby and go for a walk)…and of course, catching Vit D when you can helps support your vital replenishment of it, as well as babes…since they can’t get it through breastmilk. Plus, it’s always wonderful coming back home after a short outing. Walks, jogs, time at the park, whatever suits you. Just make it regular and easy to plan:)
  3. Sleep extra. This is such cliche advice they always give us “sleep when baby sleeps”…I always chuckle—yah right, i’m gonna grab my favorite mug, some tea, catch up on emails, news, dishes, life…but NO. Much better if you give yourself permission to take naps 2-3 times a week with babe, especially early on. It’s special bonding time if you are able to sleep with them. Or if by yourself, just appreciate it for what it is; your body heals so much more quickly when it’s rested…I’ve learned this the hard way when dangerously cutting sleep after my 1st and my 3rd…and believe me, it’s not a good thing for anyone involved.
  4. Nourish yourself with all the goodness you can. I am a big believer that this is one of the most important times to focus on nutrition, equally so to pre-natal, but often not discussed. I recommend this book The first 40 Days that goes into great detail on which foods are most healing to postpartum mommas, and has amazing recipes…that you should have someone ELSE make for you. Keep quick and easy snacks on hand, and reach for healthy fats, protein (your needs are just as high as pregnancy), filling hearty grains, and greens as often as you can, even when caffeine and sugar seem like the obvious ways to get through the sleep deprived mornings and days. Caffeine and sugar can contribute to our mood swings and cortisol disruption, so be wise about avoiding that cycle…finding other ways to get quick energy fixes is definitely a good plan. See my post on postpartum health tools
  5. Remember to get out the house at least once a week (after the initial 6 weeks or your healing/cleared) and do a hobby, pursue something you love. This could be anything from pottery (I took a class when my first was a baby and let her and her dad bond and figure themselves out one evening a week)…to yoga (this was my hobby of choice after #2)…or even something as simple as just getting out and going to the movies by yourself (this was a dream come true for me after #3). Just knowing that you have that time for your own needs and to be a human as well as a pillow and milk machine, will help your spirits heal along with your body. It’s alot of big changes, and we need to ground ourselves in things that have brought us joy and will continue to, such as books, hobbies, and relationships.
  6. Last but certainly not least: Know when to ask for help. When you’re near the end of your energy or what you can give, and you just need a warm meal, a nap and a moment to yourself while someone cares for baby, or for your toddler or other kiddos, find out who your support team will be, call on them in advance and make sure they’re at the ready to help. It certainly takes wisdom and humility, and it’s so worth it to get the team lined up before you have birth, but don’t feel the need to stretch your supermom cape too thin; there’s plenty of time for that once baby is a little older, for now, your lives and well being are vitally intertwined and in need of a large community of support.

I’m cheering for you! Reach out if you want to connect, I adore supporting moms in this beautiful phase of life, or jump into our Postpartum FB group that we just launched in Jan 2018 to share your success, struggles, daily wins and all the rest of it in a private group setting. This has been a dream of mine for some time and it’s so humbling and awesome to see so many amazing women coming together to deeply support each other in navigating the joys and challenges of this unforgettable time in our lives.

(You’ll be in, pending answering a few questions to help us support you!)

We’re in this together. 

4 Tips for work at home mommas finding balance

4 essential tips for Balance as a work at home Momma:

As a work at home momma for the past 7 years (wow!) in all combinations of part time work at home, full time employee working 2 days from home, consultant working inside and out of the house, and now business owner working part time hours and happy full time momma, here are some things I’ve learned along the way…I hope these help!

  1. Drop the guilt. Period. Why bother? It’s a waste of energy. Some days your house will be a hugely blessed mess, and other days you will have it spotless but the kids will be melting down and you’ll be hours behind on a deliverable, and you’ll just have to laugh, pour yourself another cup of coffee, and do the best you can (and let everyone around you understand you’re doing just that). I know it’s hard, I’m working on it too, but life is too short to get caught up in the guilt traps, and by nature what you’re doing is a very intricate juggle, not
  2. Set up a culture of support: by this I mean: explain to your spouse, family and support network, what you’re up to, and how they can help. Discuss what them what an ideal day looks like for you, and what success looks like. As the boss, you get to define that…so go ahead and get your whole team on board with it!  Sometimes this support will be with the literal juggle (can you pick up so-and-so while I have this meeting?)…and other times it will mean: I’m working towards this big goal in my business (last year it was a dream vacation in Mexico for the family that we aimed for as a measure of growth)…and when your family has moments of “what is this all about?/this is hard” we remind each other–this is our bigger why, what we’re working for, and we’re on the same team, each doing our part! When you finish a big project or hit a deadline, celebrate with a nice dinner; so the family knows how important it all is–for them as well as for you.
  3. Take care of yourself! This cannot be under-emphasized. You’re setting out to do superhuman things each day–mothering and raising little ones, while also changing lives through your work in the larger sphere. Give yourself the structured self-care that allows you to be your best self; adjust things and realize each day will look a little different, and find the tools to energize and renew often. (Email me for our current 30 days Renew Me challenge–targeting busy and influential mommas–finding a tribe of like-minded folks has made all the difference for me in this area)!

This is excerpted from this original article, published this week.

4 Quick ways to Declutter your schedule for joyful, grounded living

Photo by Andrew Galligan Photography.

This is a topic that is very close to home indeed.

I am converting from being chronically busy, over planner, over committed, running around lady…to someone who truly enjoys an afternoon at home with my kids, no plans, or a morning with space for peaceful strolls, errands, and a few work moments from my phone, but with ample time to explore new places or just let the kids be kids. I savor the slowness of some days, and still mix it up with energized out and about days…but overall, we’re chasing slow, as part of our move to a slower pace that happened 6 months ago.

It’s been incredible to watch a shift in the culture for many of us, as we wake up and realize that busyness has been glorified, we feel guilty, boring or unmotivated if we have space in our life? How and why did we let ourselves get so busy with individually good activities and commitments, and then over-whelmed by it, in a vicious cycle…to the point where we’re spending more time out of our homes than in it, or hours of carpool/drop offs? Or for single folks, how did work and other commitments mean that you have less than 7 hours a day in your own dwelling or for your own pursuits!

I’m learning from children.. life outside of a schedule.

You know how kids can go to a playground or out in the yard and play for hours; literally lose track of time? What a gift.

For someone like me, that’s challenging but a blessed reminder that our days are not just about checking off tiny boxes, but about expansive BEING in the moment. In each moment that is given to us.

So, clearing the schedule is like inviting magic back in, and letting yourself get curious, what will the day bring?

Potentially, you may get lost in an activity that you’re passionate about, you can, thanks to your newly prioritized life.

This is my first time writing out these new principles of living, so share your thoughts with me, and we’ll keep embracing this new life together, the life of “chasing slow“.

  1. This is one that’s helped me tremendously…to clear mental space and enjoy the days more: Menu Plan, and shop the plan. It doesn’t sound ground breaking and it doesn’t have to be fancy. For whatever reason, having that set up on Sunday when you go into the week, can change everything about the flow of Monday and the week ahead. I love a good menu planner/shopping list template, and I snatched up a similiar one at anthropology earlier this year, which helps us tremendously, to not only cut down on mental space, but on frequent pesky trips to the store…such a time suck!–but to also better use the things we get from the store. I also strategically use Blue Apron.
  2. Look at your schedule for the week, with potential obligations, and do 1-2 LESS than you had already committed to on each day (and I don’t mean flake out on people)…On the days when things are packed, even with the good stuff, we tend to enjoy it all less because we’re thinking logistics…getting from point A to B. It’s a luxury to be able to savor and enjoy each activity without having to think ahead or worry about squeezing things in. I’m learning this lesson, and it helps tremendously. I’ll look at my week ahead and slash or move things around in my planner to allow 30 min to 1 hours in btwn…does anyone else do this? It’s a true joy to not always be rushing.
  3. Batch your errands. This is like #1…so obvious but so helpful when implemented. If you have to run to the post office, do the grocery run then too, or wait and do all your errands on specific days and times of the week when you know it’s a lower productivity timeslot for you. You can take a great quiz here if you’re someone who has flexible work or just needs to figure out when they are most productive. Plus…we live in an era of online shopping, and I’ll share another post with my top 10 time-savers using sites, while also being able to indulge in local, conscious consumption
  4. Finally…while saying NO to over-scheduling, overwhelm, constant running around, you’re saying YES to meaningful moments with friends, and loved ones. Schedule in the social time as much as you schedule the other stuff. This is a large part of what we look forward to when looking at our planners, day by day, and, according to Blue Zones author Dan Beuttner, is an important indicator of how long we will live, and how healthy we will be.

What do you do to create space, peace and joy in your week? #slowisthenewbusy


I know for myself, as I’ve begun saying yes to less…I’ve thought alot about what I’m creating space FOR…and those priorities help drive the motivation for the rest of it to be simpler. We discuss that and so much more in my Life by Design course starting in the new year…I hope you’ll join us!

That Life Shake Life

It’s not hard to love the life shake…

It does what it says it will (gives life, energy and a spring in our step).

It comes in so many flavors and protein types, there’s pretty much something for everyone.

*Non soy vegan

*Non-GMO Soy

*Non-GMO Soy (no flavor no sugar)

*Grassfed Whey Build shake (lowest sugar, 1g/serving)


It’s low glycemic, counts as a full meal replacement, and is packed with 1B CFU of probiotics, the benefits of which I discuss over here…but in the shake are found in spore form, also absorbed in the gut. It’s full of fiber and a balanced protein/carb blend for muscle building while burning fat, thanks to a proprietary Leucine blend.

And…the results are staggering. I have clients who have lost 70lbs or more by adding in breakfast (a shake!) changing a few daily habits, and committing to a clean eating lifestyle for years along with exercise. I have other clients who crave the shakes during pregnancy and rave to me that nothing else gets them their protein needs for the day quite like these shakes. Others of my clients adore using them for regular resets/cleanses/healthy lunches, and send me pics of themselves happily slurping away. I drink mine daily, especially for meals I might otherwise skip, like running out the door to school pickup, etc. Or I’ll have one while making dinner to energize my evening and reduce my hunger so I don’t over eat the evening meal. Right now as I type this I’m tempted to go make one for my dessert.

Because healthy should taste good.

So here’s some of my favorite recipes, and the links to the protein are above. If you haven’t tried it yet, I dare you to take the challenge during the holidays as part of our strip and shake, or in the new year to support those incredible resolutions you already have forming.

Oh, and did I mention I sneak it into most of my baking projects (it enhances the flavor and doesn’t lose it’s beneficial chemical properties when heated)…and can be drunk warm in the winter.



9 quick ways to energize your day

Well, as you can imagine, life with 3 kids 7 and down, and running a business is no cake walk, so I’m grateful for every ounce of energy I can get.

The questions I get most often surround the general “how do you do it?” and with themes of “you make it look easy”….well clearly if you’re saying that you haven’t stopped over for tea between the hours of 4-6pm very often recently–life is anything but “easy” in certain moments, but I also know I wouldn’t trade this fun juggle for the world. I have learned a few tricks along the way, about both conserving energy (no 5pm grocery trips here, we’d rather skip the 1 ingredient we’re missing)…and about using energy on the things that matter! (mid-day jaunt at the playground, or stroller jog, yes please! Time for after school cuddles and fire time, without yawning, and the extra energy boost for my own time after the kids are asleep, for projects like this post, or having quality time with hub. You all KNOW the things that you would do if you had a bit more energy in each day, so let’s take that and translate it into reality with these fun tips.

So, here are 9 quick ways (I don’t like the word hack, it sounds less than meaningful, and these are very meaningful moments of self-care, awareness and overall intentional habits) that I’ve found will bring renewed energy to my day, and focus to my steps, no matter what I have going on around me with kiddos, or on my list for the day.

And here’s a hint–though I am a sucker for a good cup of coffee, none of these energizing tips involve caffeine! No one has time to be relying on that…the repercussions can be great, especially when you’re worn down, as I discuss in this post on adrenal fatigue…

  1. My super energizing pomegranate tea with chia seeds. This is the little secret I’m letting you in on which will change your life. The tea has very little caffeine, tastes AMAZING, comes in these super convenient packets that I always keep on hand in my car (tricky moves of busy mommas), and I mix it with chia seeds when I’m at home, then let it sit for 10 min, and the result is unreal. You have to like some texture…it’s almost like bubble tea or something with soft pearls in it. The combination of the fiber/protein/super food qualities of the chia, with the energy tea amino acids which are feeding your brain and making it more alert, always have me feeling awesome for hours. Just the thing for after school pickup, or when you might want to do a workout, a focused work session, or just have extra energy midday. If you stop reading here, you’ve still gotten all you need out of this article;) If you try it out, let me know in the comments what you think!

2. Go outside. Yes, we’re getting into the winter months here in CT, a blast of cold air from being out on my porch immediately brings new life to my brain and bloodcells as everything reacts & activates for warmth and survival. It works for my kids every time (they get sent out to get their energy OUT and somehow come back in with more energy–go figure:), and I send myself outside from time to time when I need it. The fresh air will definitely replenish your oxygen stores, and get you thinking and grooving in new ways. It’s easy and free, so why not? Plus the outdoors always sparks my spiritual and creative side, who doesn’t want that?


3. 10 minutes of yoga or barre. Sometimes you’ll find me in my living room, with messes everywhere, just embracing my moment to do a few poses and stretch/gather my thoughts, release any tension I’m carrying in various parts of the body, and to return to life with new focus and energy. Some great 10 min yoga videos from yoga with adrienne, and the Barre3 workouts I love come in 10/30 and 60 min increments. Every little bit of movement helps.

Here are the links:

and (I like this one for the background), she has hundreds.

4. A brisk walk. This is one of my favorites, when I can make it happen. I’ll often plan errands time around nap times for my little guy, and let him crash in the stroller, get a few miles of walking in (2-3 is a sweet spot for me, time and energizing-wise), and then have time in one of the little towns near where we live for the trip to post office/shops/coffee etc. The walking clears my head, and brings awesome energy into my day. Sometimes the answer is right in front of us, we just have to get creative. Park further, or pick a trail near you, and WALK more today.

5. Drink an apple cider vinegar cocktail (with a syrup chaser);) This is a laughable but awesome one which I rely on many days of the week.

More about the benefits of ACV here. Let’s just put it this way. I have a grandma who is an incredibly robust lady. She’s had diabetes for years, but is going strong at 94. She swears by her ACV daily (and it’s known for managing blood sugar levels), so I’ll take it.  I make mine with roughly 2 tbsp ACV (Braggs or unfiltered/organic is best, and 1-2 tsp maple syrup or your sweetener of choice).

6. Read a few pages of a favorite book. So much of our energy ebbs and flows throughout the day I believe are tied to our emotional and mental state. So, I like to keep good juicy books on hand that I can flip open and begin turning a few pages of (we’re not talking a huge reading session)…something that fires you up and allows you to head into the next part of your day in a more responsible and focused mental state. If you’ve got car time or commuting time, podcasts are great! To get some ideas of my favorite books on personal development topics (and to start the conversation around it, because I’m very into all of it! As you can see—and related to # 7)…go here.

7. If you’re an extrovert, be around people! If you’re an introvert, respect your body’s need to be quiet and alone for parts of the day. Play to your strengths, and you can learn more about all of this here. I feed off of other people’s energy, so a low energy morning or day could be entirely changed/solved by a coffee date with a good friend, or even some good ol fashioned playground time meeting up with new folks and running around with kids. Be aware of what helps your energy flow shift throughout the day, and work with that, mindfully:)


8) Grab a healthy snack! People often forgot this one, but it’s obvious. If you’re running 100 miles per hour and then wonder why you’re crashing, it may be because starbucks grande soy lattes only get you so far (or start the day with a coffee flavored protein shake instead:)). We have to eat real food, and a well placed snack can be one of the best parts of the day for both moms and kids, as well. I recommend something with some healthy fats for brain energy/fuel, and simple carbs which are easier to digest, such as apples and almond butter, or a rice cake with sunflower butter & coconut/cinnamon (yum)…also…my favorite energy bite snacks. The recipe can be found here. I also always keep the 180 Snack & meal bars  (white chocolate cinnamon, toffee crunch, and PB meal bars) around for myself and my kids, because they are packed with high quality vegetarian protein (10g in snack bars, and 20 in the meal bars!) and super convenient. Better than reaching for sugar, caffeine or junk when you’re feeling a crash. Enjoy nibbling mindfully and watch your energy levels rise with the right kind of snacking!

9. Nap! You never thought I’d say that right? This momma has finally embraced the philosophy that sometimes rest is more important than exercise, caffeine or charging ahead:)! If you have the ability to take a 20 min power nap (or longer!) it could do wonders not only for your energy levels physically, but also for your mental state during the rest of the day.

I’ll be taking all of these into my daily arsenal–they help both energy and mood! Let me know which healthy habits you already use for managing your energy levels, and which of these look intriguing to try!

I also find that when I’m living the life I love, in integrity with my goals and commitments that I’ve prayerfully designed with God, spouse and kids in mind, that in itself brings me such an energy that I’m jumping out of bed in the morning. It certainly wasn’t always that way, and I’ve enjoyed mapping out my journey to get here, as part of some of these programs….perhaps you’ll want to work together to create your own roadmap to an uber-energized life using the tips above and all the juicy topics on becoming our best selves through personal development and growth mindset! It’s fun stuff.

Perhaps some of my life by design courses where I explore my own journey to tap into our natural energy sources, will be helpful as well! As always, I’m grateful for your comments and feedback, and I can’t wait to connect, here and #IRL 🙂

Cheers to an energized winter ahead!

Starting the day right: your miracle morning routines

Starting the day right: Energizing and filling your cup so you can pour-out to others all day long.

How often in life, especially when committing to making healthy changes, have you found yourself wishing you had more time in your day to carve out for exercise, or eating healthy, or even quiet time? Wondering how other challengers fit it in? Do you find yourself reaching the end of the day tired, frazzled, trying to grab some reading or wind down time, but feeling that the to-do list got away from you…again?

I can relate. I’ve been there. As a busy mom of 3 small ones, I knew I had to shift something a few months back, so I looked at changing up my morning routine. I’m a proud and self-proclaimed night owl–it’s when my brain is awake and doing it’s best work…but I also knew that I needed to start the day stronger in order to serve myself and my people–family, business, everything–better!

Find something that deeply motivates you, and consider getting up just a bit earlier in these coming weeks. You never know…it could turn into a lifelong habit! Carving out time for ourselves is one of the best aspects of this of any health program, or challenge that we do together. Self-care is never selfish–instead it pays dividends all day long as we pour the best of our centered selves into children, friends, loved ones, larger communities. 

I started this book in April on our VIP vacation with Shaklee in Playa del Carmen…so yes, that’s a pina colada next to it, along with some other essentials;)

The book Miracle Morning is a powerful overview of the lifestyle shift that’s truly possible with some small and mindful changes in routine. I’ll let you dig in and enjoy it, but for now, I’ll share an overview of what the author, Hal Elrod, has determined are the most important parts of a successful morning–from studying many very successful people.

Here they are! Take what jumps out to you from this list…or start with all of them!


S (Silence—can be prayer, meditation, whatever you need it to be)

A (Affirmations. I have mine written down in the front of my journal, so I grab it and read through them to get my mind going in a positive light, related to who I am and what I will create with the day).
V Visualizations (Imagine yourself going through your day, accomplishing your main goals and feeling great…balancing your Renew Me goals with the other priorities in your life!)

E (Exercise! Anything from this 5 min workout/stretch to our 15 min Mom-Shape, or an hour long workout class. Do what makes you feel energized and ready for the day—keep it simple! The consistency is what will transform you).

R Reading. So powerful to start the day off with some good new brain fuel; whether it’s 3 minutes or 20 minutes, so important for self-renewal and forming new mindset patterns. We’re all just a few thoughts away from a totally different day and – day by day – a redesigned life!

S Scribe (funny way of saying journaling….how many of us want to journal but don’t because we “don’t have time” and put it off to the end of the day?) Start the day with your own reflections, dreams, hopes and voice.

My biggest tip: besides finding something that deeply motivates you to create a morning ritual, find a super comfy spot and prep it the night before–books, yoga mat, journal, etc. It will be much easier to be laser focused when you wake up and you’ll be looking forward to getting cozy in your nook.

I call this my power spot and I aim to make it there several times throughout the day for a re-charge moment with a good book, a good phone convo with a friend, etc. It’s a spot you can set aside for self-care and goal-setting, away from where you do most of your work, mess and daily living fun. Enjoy the process of making this space YOURS.


Play around with all of these 8 practices (the Life SAVERS). Hal recommends setting aside an hour for these practices initially, but you have to do what works for you based on your kids’ schedules, work hours, outside commitments, etc. You can literally do a 10 minute version (I have!) and it’s still valuable. Your goal is to build a new habit that feeds your soul. This one could truly change your life. Try it out and then tell us about it in the Facebook group!

Other morning tips and tricks from a Health Coach:

*1 mug warm water with lemon upon rising (helps activate the liver and digestion, gently cleanse, and energize)

*Apple Cider vinegar (2 tbsp diluted in 8 oz water with 1-2 tsp maple syrup) is great for digestion, alkalinizing the body, and stabilizing blood sugar

*Life Shake–especially packed with greens and fruits!

*Vitalizer Strip—your 80 most essential nutrients, crammed in right to start the day with you, and timed-release B vitamins keep you energized all day long

*Warm tea (green is great for antioxidants and metabolism)


Did you know we have 168 hours to use in the week? Would you like to use your morning hours to not only feel amazing, but also move your life forward towards your goals?


Enjoy your new morning routines, as part of your upgraded lifestyle!